Amazing Architectural Designs from Buildings to Milk Boxes
We see different designs of buildings everywhere we go especially in the city. There are towering buildings up to tens or even more stories.
My fellow Hivers, in this post, I will show to you that architecture has different applications in our surroundings. Please come with me and I will show them to you. Let's go.
Architectural Structures
Everything in this planet has its own design or architectural blueprint. That is called DNA. It's already indicated in the DNA as to the color, shape, or the fruit formation if it's a plant.
For us, human beings, it also indicates our physical structure, color of our skin, and all the rest.
For non-living things, we can see the whole description of the structure when we see the blue print made by the experts.
All these structures that we see are products of architecture and engineering. Architects make the design of a building with all the details to show its integrity and resilience to any fortuitous events. But, the beauty of the structure is also taken into consideration. It must make an impression that is "Not only Strong but also Amazing" that keeps the eyes of the viewers stuck to it full of "Wow"!
But, structural designs are not only confined to buildings. It can also be used to anything around us to show that we have this architectural mindset.
The Other Architecture
Let's get inside the Gaisano Super Metro Bogo City. When I entered with my wife and kids, these caught my attention. I said, "Wow, milk box architecture!"
It shows that the salespersons inside Super Metro Gaisano are very creative and innovative. While they can just put those milk boxes in a simple pile and leave, they did the extraordinary thing by creating towers out of them instead. I appreciate it very much because it can attract the attention of customers.
These can add beauty to the supermarket section. On the other hand, my boys enjoyed looking for the things they needed to buy.
Until the time we had decided to stop since all that we were looking for were already inside the push cart. So, we have to go to the counter to pay. My, elder son, John, volunteered to have it paid in the counter.
The Impact
These are some of the places where I noticed that some things are done not just in an ordinary way but with carefully planned innovations. It makes the customers feel that they are not only welcomed inside but-in one way or another- entertained as well.
For me, that creates an impression towards both the business and the caring and innovative personnel.
My fellow Hivers, I think I have to end at this point. I hope you have learned something in this post. And, at some points, you also have an idea if you will be coming to Bogo City, Cebu, Philippines. Thank you for reading this part. See you on my next post. Keep safe everyone.
