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Today's Youth


myanmarkoko1 K2 months agoPeakD2 min read

Hello Friends on the Hive Blockchain!

Today, I would like to discuss the topic of "Today's Youth."

Today's Youth


Youth represents the future of a country, and it is the responsibility of adults today to nurture them into good individuals.

Unfortunately, I observe many young people around me engaging in destructive behavior. However, it's unfair to solely blame the youth for their actions. Various societal trends also contribute to their deterioration.

One major culprit in damaging young minds is the excessive use of mobile phones. Many parents allow their children unrestricted access to mobile devices, leading to issues like 12-13-year-olds creating their own TikTok accounts and becoming addicted to social media like opium.


Furthermore, parents often watch inappropriate content on platforms like YouTube, which can inadvertently expose children to unsuitable material. Although YouTube offers the option to create separate accounts for children, many parents in Myanmar, busy with day-to-day struggles, lack the time and knowledge to properly manage technology. Nevertheless, it remains the parents' responsibility to guide their children and prevent them from straying off the right path.

I've heard distressing stories, such as a 7-8-year-old boy stumbling upon inappropriate content online. It's crucial for parents to monitor their children's mobile phone usage diligently. In conclusion, if children continue to use mobile phones recklessly, the future of Myanmar may face severe challenges.

Written by @myanmarkoko


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