Writings on The Monteolivete Bridge, Valencia
Almost every time we visit this city, Valencia, our paths lead us by this part of the city around Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències. I love this whole complex, as well as crossing The Monteolivete Bridge by car because you pass between two awesome buildings - Reina Sofía Palace of the Arts and Hemisfèric.
This is in case I don't have to drive, so I just enjoy the views from one of the two platforms. Each platform is reserved for one direction, with several lanes for cars, and also a lane for bicycles and pedestrians. In the past, it was the Turia River which flew here but now it is a long park, with many paths to walk, ride the bike... there are fountains, sculptures and some murals too. Btw, this bridge is a work of the Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava Valls.
While walking under the bridge today I saw that the pillars of it are used for some street art... hmmm... it is questionable if this can be called street art - these graffiti are not something special, really. However, there are some writings that found their way to the pillars of this bridge and they are about to visit this post too. Ready to read some Spanish poetry?
Ok, I will probably help out here, with some translation to English, or at least make a short summary of what the texts say. The texts are kind of poems (unknown author)... oh, and I found a few spelling errors. 😑 Maybe they are made on purpose, I am not sure. Or could be that these texts were written in a moment of creativity without thinking about correct spelling...? Those who understand Spanish will probably see from the photos the mistakes I am talking about, so I am sorry in advance for someone else's typos. 😂
Also, if the Spanish speakers want to give their own English version, taking the Spanish poem from the wall, feel free to do that.
Ok, so here we go with the translation, though I had to "correct" a bit the Spanish part! 😅
Is every being that is born a soul? independent
or united in a commune, elastic, free...
as we live we get older
rusting with the whole universe
a part of the being that advances, falls backwards
and "the moment" exists, it is written
in "the sacred book" of each one.
The future is like the flower
making its way into another day
of conscious life and reflection
is to breathe mystically with the creative spirit
in everything we cannot perceive
with our limited mind
being in the world
seconds of happiness
tenths of ecstasy
thousandths in humanity
tears that cover innocence...
the poem is already here
that unites humanity
it moves everything
as saviours with
the clarity of the purest truth
in the gloom of the mad world...
In this mess and ugly composition, I spotted the same handwriting as the other texts, this time with a very short message. Well, it can be also called longing for love.
Let's see
when I drown
on your tits
instead of paranoia
and cigarette smoke.
I have always known that there was a connection between aliens and mushrooms 😂
Here is the proof, if you spot that detail in the photo. But back to the texts...
He who knows his way... is not alone...
the one who hides from his loneliness...
that of existing gives us the belief to manifest
in error, evil and darkness are necessary
so the souls will have their bodies weak and they will see
in this world the truth.
When does the masterpiece of art
of this Universe end?
I will have more experiences, other planets, bodies...
"In the warm brain of a paradise, it is kept
as an answer to the eternal question"
blessed essence grain by grain...
spiral staircase that descends to the most
depth of this cerebral vision...
I want more visions, more clear light
in this playful labyrinth for happiness
This one I saw last year already, but then I didn't know there were more of these writings on the pillars of the same bridge. Today, as I found the other ones, they all come together in this post.
the kiss
in thought and consciousness, a cosmic kiss is created
it transforms into a work of art in seconds...
from one mouth to another the saliva the taste and flavour.
in the cavernous friction in the longing attempt to let flow what the mind
does not know if it is possible to mix in both.
the question? how long will it resist in this love game
what if it ends in laughter because of the experimental test?
in the air, a kiss travels from perhaps the missing link
of our forgotten past.
Maybe these writings on The Monteolivete Bridge in the city of Valencia are not street art at all... (in the form we are used to see street art) but like texts or poems left in public, on this bridge, they somehow make it into this community, Street Art.