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Acércate con precaución / Approach with caution


marpa9.4 K2 months agoPeakD2 min read

Una luz tras la puerta brilla
es cálida y muy bonita,
lleva una mirada amarilla,
que mueve con pericia.

Las luces siempre atraen,
cosas buenas en el aire,
todos quieren a ellas acercarse
para un poco abrigarse.

A light behind the door shines
it is warm and very beautiful,
it carries a yellow gaze,
which she moves expertly.

Lights always attract,
good things in the air,
everyone wants to get close to them
for a little warmth.


Y en esta ocasión,
llega una nube volando sin temor,
se acerca sin precaución
y se quema de forma veloz.

De inmediato de la luz se separa
y salta para apagar la llama,
queda negra su cara
ahora es una nube manchada.

And on this occasion,
a cloud comes flying fearlessly,
approaches without caution
and burns swiftly.

Immediately from the light it separates itself
and jumps to extinguish the flame,
his face is black
is now a stained cloud.


La luz con su ojos la mira,
mientras la nube va sanando su herida
y cuando esta termina,
se para frente a la luz y la admira.

Hay cosas que no se deben tocar,
la nube lo aprendió de forma sin igual,
entiende que la luz es para admirar
y que no se debe a ella acercar.

The light with its eyes looks at her,
while the cloud heals her wound
and when it is finished
she stands in front of the light and admires it.

There are things that should not be touched,
the cloud learned this in an unparalleled way,
it understands that the light is to be admired
and that it should not be approached.
Y si ves hacia el cielo,
verás alguna nube con rostro negro,
es la que se acercó sin miedo
y se quemó por dar confianza en exceso.

And if you look up at the sky
you'll see some cloud with a black face,
it is the one that approached without fear
and was burned by giving confidence in excess.




Créditos Stopmotion y cuento original de Margarita Palomino. Colombia, abril del 2024



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