Why did you get into Crypto?
This is my answer to @brofund 's question I am paraphrasing as "Why did you get into Crypto?".
Short answer, I didn't! At least, it's not how you would think.
Let me explain.
My entire motivation behind being anywhere close to the Crypto space is because of how much technology changes, and needing to keep up with it.
In my ~35-year career I have seen a lot of changes. All but a few I have been able to get my head around early enough that I did ok. A couple recently I do not feel super on top of, I will mention those in future.
When I first heard about Crypto it was in a conversation that essentially described it as a scam, so I didn't give it much thought.
Later someone from a Usenet group encouraged me to check into it, using the technology revolution as the bait, and it worked. I dread to think how much bitcoin was on that hard drive.
I left it be for a while until it reared its head again, this time in the context of "blockchain development" and I had to really dive in. That is really what got me deep down the rabbit hole.
This meant learning about programming, mining, tokens, NFTs, contracts, and all of that fun stuff.
None of it really came to anything for me personally but it did mean I wasn't clueless when other people were talking about it, and it also meant I could avoid the FOMO that some of my colleagues got caught up in.
Hive was a huge help for me being comfortable actually writing code that works. Other blockchains are NOT quite as developer-friendly!
How did you get into crypto?
