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What It Means To Be Different

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madeirane399.203 months ago3 min read


Who wants to experience a little bit of what it means to be different, when society starts to take a lot of interest in your person in public places, to stare, no matter what that otherness is, I won't name it, you know. This is a very simple method for experimentation. Apply the patch to your face. Just. It doesn't even matter where on the face, it doesn't matter the size of the patch. I guarantee you that you will get attention and those who study you with interest "what is this, what happened here, and why is this thing on your face" everywhere you go.

I lived with this thing on my face for eight days, because doctor removed a mole, which was small, but the patch was still quite big. In the last week, I went everywhere: to my husband's birthday in a restaurant, to shopping malls, to the opera and ballet theater, and to the Philharmonic. With that thing I didn't stress myself at all and got used to, because you can't take it off before time, but it was also that it also gave me the experience that when something is wrong with you, it's interesting to a lot of people.

And it wasn't pleasant or unpleasant, like some kind of experimental period, because I really wouldn't want such interest and staring, thanks, it was not for the rest of my life. I would not want it for a long time. And I understand those for whom such attention is suffocating, tiring or even leads to certain processes when you want to escape or be like everyone else. Whether to remain invisible, to melt in the crowd, where no one notices or knows you.

And so many times I was asked am I OK. I wanted to laugh inside, but always thanked for the care. I am truly OK. But leave your concern aside as it seems you are just curious what happened, why the patch is on my face. It truly was an interesting and new experience to me.

It remains only to sympathize with those who really live with serious defects in this curious society. I can imagine how thick your skin must be when you are constantly being stared at by prying eyes.

The antiquated garbage mentality must become a fertilizer for tolerance.


With love, @madeirane
Photo is taken by me.
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