Selfie Challenge : Me Before and After Quarantine
I am on board with this fun #selfie challenge just because it's fun to do. Before, I normally shared my selfie and stuff on my instagram but I just deleted it a couple days ago. During the first few weeks of quarantine, I got bored so I took a bunch of selfies despite you know, I'd love remaining to be faceless. Last year and this year, I am starting to get better with my social skill. Though there's a lot to be work on. But yeah, this pandemic got me and my anon friends to open up. Maybe it’s the silver lining.
This is the oldest of all my selfies, about like 8 months ago. I started this gallery of selfie with this one cause I wanna flex my stickers. support open source projects!

This one was taken in late February when I know corona has started but I was traveling with my mom . Even then, I am often going out like this.

This one is early quarantine days. I would go out daily around 10-11 just to get some vitamin D and as you can see direct sunlight picture.

Next is very recent selfie I took about last week. My sister was trying this filter on instagram and I decided to try. I am not one to try stuff like this but it was fun.

~ signing out

Mac is a freelance writer based in South East Asia. She specializes in Technology, Management, Productivity, Minimalism, How-to Articles, Reviews, Travel, Food and Lifestyle. Other than those, she dabble in other various
interests, including cryptocurrency and art. If not writing, she can be found cooking or coding.

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