Phonography contest N 44; Los cultivos de mi patio 馃尦馃尦 Phonography contest N 44; The crops in my yard [Esp / Eng]
Buenos d铆as a todos los miembros de esta hermosa comunidad, les saludo con mucho cari帽o, deseando que todos est茅n bien, siempre con la bendici贸n del Dios Todopoderoso.
Con mucho entusiasmo me uno al concurso n煤mero 44 de fotograf铆a telef贸nica es mi primera participaci贸n en la comunidad @feelgood, un concurso donde compartimos fotograf铆as tomadas con el tel茅fono, en el patio de mi casa aunque es un terreno peque帽o tengo varias plantas de cambur y topocho, lo cual es una bendici贸n pues me permite cultivar alimentos en mi propio terreno, ya recogimos la primera cosecha limpiamos y ahora estamos esperando la siguiente cosecha que espero sea m谩s abundante que la primera.
Good morning to all the members of this beautiful community, I greet you with much affection, wishing you all well, always with the blessing of the Almighty God.
With much enthusiasm I join the contest number 44 of telephone photography is my first participation in the community @feelgood, a contest where we share photographs taken with the phone, in the backyard of my house although it is a small land I have several plants of cambur and topocho, which is a blessing because it allows me to grow food on my own land, we already collected the first harvest we cleaned and now we are waiting for the next harvest which I hope will be more abundant than the first.
Cultivar nuestros propios alimentos es una gran bendici贸n que el padre Celestial nos regala, me ha sorprendido la fertilidad del terreno y el tama帽o de los frutos, los racimos son grandes y con abundantes frutos, en cada cosecha compartimos con los familiares y vecinos tambi茅n preparamos deliciosos tostones y varias recetas.
Growing our own food is a great blessing that the Heavenly Father gives us, I have been surprised by the fertility of the land and the size of the fruits, the bunches are large and with abundant fruits, in each harvest we share with family and neighbors we also prepare delicious tostones and several recipes.
Translated with
Todas las im谩genes son de mi autor铆a
All the images are of my authorship
