The Fight Club
B̳̿͟͞ ̳̿͟͞O̳̿͟͞ ̳̿͟͞O̳̿͟͞ ̳̿͟͞M̳̿͟͞ ̳̿͟͞!̳̿͟͞
sorry i blew up
The Fuse
I have never thought of myself as having a Short fuse. I am more like a long fuse that is easily lit. Boom! Sorry I blew up.
From an early age I was a brawler. Being the youngest of a bunch of older siblings (brother, cousins, and uncles) a bunch of white trash Pennsyl-Tucky sibling who just loved to torment me and kick my ass.
The Fight Club
It was like growing up in a Fight Club where I was the practice dummy. I was the easy victory. To say I have some scars would be putting it mildly. Mental and physical scars both.
I learned early on how to Equalize the situation. It is amazing how a softball size rock to the skull. Kick to the ballz. Or any other dirty trick that would even include Mike Tyson like biting. Amazing how it brings a foot taller and 100 lb. larger aggressor down to your size. It will also deter them from future attacks. Experience talking here.
A handful of rocks were my go to. My father told me at an early age I would carry rocks around in my pockets. Golf ball sized throwing rocks. To this day, 58 yrs old, I still love me some ROCKS!
I was very accurate with those throwing rocks as a youngster. I once gave an older bully friend of my brother stitches above one of his eyebrows with one of those throwing rocks.
Fast forward to my 20's. Enter the bar fight chapter of my life. There were far too many to write about in this #weekend-engagement post.
Hold My Beer
On two seperate occasions that I recall the beer bottle I was holding became The Equalizer.
The Lakeside Tavern was the scene of the crime. An on again off again girlfriend who was presently off again came strolling in with her girl friends and some guy twice my size. Ok, maybe not twice but he was a few inches taller and two of me in weight.
The bar tender was also an on again off again who was presently on but incognito as she was also married. I am sure the off again girlfriend came into the tavern because she had heard rumours of the on again girl. Small country hick town, go figure huh?
Someone bought me a beer. I walked right up to the bar beside the off again girl and her friends who were casting me dirty looks watching me shoot pool. I was very good at billiards and was even on a local tavern league for a few years.
Fight or Flight
Off again made a snide remark as on again handed me my bottle. I went off on her dropping eff bombs and ranting about how there were 5 other taverns in town that they could have gone to. Out of nowhere comes this big fat handed bitch slap that sent me stumbling backwards. When I caught my balance the big guy caught the first beer bottle square in the forehead. I wound up and threw the other twice as hard just as the fat bastard went down one one knee grabbing his face with that same fat hand he had just bitch slapped me with. That bottle just missed the top of his head smashing into the wall behind the bar narrowly missing the television and large mirror with all the liquor bottles. Just as I seen the blood running out from behind his hand a guy named Jerry that I was playing pool with tried to grab a hold of me. He ended up under a table. I saw that big bastard struggling to get to his feet as my on again bartender girl told me to get the hell outta there. I took her advice wisely.
The Aftermath
I went on down to another tavern and was in no way hiding. But I did feel a little shame for not setting my beers down and facing him one on one. It was more like a reflex action from all the years of being pushed around by bigger bullies.
I stopped back at closing time to apologize to the on again. To offer to pay damages. Larry the owner was there. We had a discussion about it. My on again told me the big bastard turned to her and said call the police as I went out the door. She said ok, but you did hit him first. The owner said he had to prohibit me from coming in for a month.
Moral of my story. Do not light my fuse. And nothing goes...
B̳̿͟͞ ̳̿͟͞O̳̿͟͞ ̳̿͟͞O̳̿͟͞ ̳̿͟͞M̳̿͟͞ ̳̿͟͞!̳̿͟͞
Thanks for fighting your way thru this drunken bar fight rambling to get in the ring to challenge... KrazzyTrukkerBrawler
Shout out to my fight coach/trainer and sparring partner @galenkp for giving us this fight club arena.
Keep on KrazzyTruckin'
my other sparring partner...
