No Man's Sky ~ The Outlaws Update and my quest for a Solar Sail Ship
I woke up this morning to the news that a No Man's Sky update had arrived ~ OUTLAWS. According to the notes, this update brings quite a few things to the NMS universe:
There are new ships with solar sails! Which look pretty damned spiffy in the videos and screenshots I saw. I'm looking forward to getting one. 😃
An update to the space combat. Outlaw stations where there are more missions available plus the ability to smuggle contraband goods across systems. Apparently the Sentinels will not approve of such things so beware. 😱
You'll be able to recruit pilots to join your squadron and assist you in combat!
STUFF! ~ ⭐️🚀
So, instead of being a good girl and writing for 6-7 hours straight for my April Writing Madness, I decided to game instead. 🤷♀🤣
It's only been, what, a month? Since I last played. And once again I had to remember how to do things or strain my brain to recall what I was in the middle of doing. Good thing I write posts about these things so I can remind myself.
Because this character was a brand new character, I hadn't gotten very far with it yet. I don't even have all the different type of hyperdrive upgrades to be able to visit every type of system. So, that was my first goal before doing anything else. Material gathering for hyperdrive upgrades.
(And also the initial quests that I was halfway through doing. Get them out of the way.)
Luckily, the very first new system I entered today had Cadmium deposits! So I very quickly gathered it all til I had an absolute plethora of the stuff, and made myself the next upgrade on my hyperdrive.
Me being me, of course I got distracted during my self-imposed quest. I soon found myself at the Nexus, progressing the beginning quest a little, the one that'll lead you to Artemis and Apollo. Next thing I knew I was doing Nexus missions for Quicksilver, the currency that allows you to buy all the spiffy unique things.
You can only do one Quicksilver mission a day, however, so once that was out of the way I returned to my initial goal of resource-gathering-for-hyperdrive-upgrades.
Which, of course, turned into me doing more of one of the main missions, just to get them out of the way. At this point, it's been three hours and I haven't even seen one of the new solar sail space ships as I've been flying around.
They must be rare!
A quick google suggests they're more common in outlaw systems. Good to know.
In order to complete this main mission, I had to turn back to my very first planet and start some more base building.
I hired my overseer and then my science specialist then decided that was enough for now, and continued flying around the galaxy in search for my next hyperdrive upgrade materials. I needed Emeril. And a lottttt of wires. Luckily there was a convenient Nexus mission that was going to give me 15 of the wires! So I did that. XD
And, at last, my main goal for today -- upgrading my hyperdrive -- was complete and I could now travel to every type of system without worry about needing a particular hyperdrive upgrade.
It was time to look for my first outlaws. 😈
I don't really care about being a smuggler or pirate or whatever (not yet anyway), but I do want one of those spiffy solar ships! And if they're more common in outlaw systems, then, so be it.
Unfortunately, I had no idea how to find an outlaw system. System hopping willy-nilly was getting me nowhere. So, once again, I turned to the ever knowledgeable google. And found absolutely no information whatsoever except, "Herp a derp, yay, new update out."
There was silver lining on this failure of an adventure though. On my quest to find these non-existent solar ships and the outlaw systems they reside more commonly in, I found my first ever exotic ship!!!
I won't be flying it, not enough storage, but I added it to my collection. 😃😄 Now I have no choice but to stick with this character forevermore. It has an exotic!
I later discovered, due to people actually talking in the Nexus -- (omg! people typing to one another!!) -- that the outlaw systems are easier to find if you have a Conflict Scanner installed. And that we all would've known that if we read the patch notes. Uh huh. Whatevs.
So I hastily learnt how to construct one. Only to discover that I needed a Walker Brain to construct it. Which means fighting a bunch of sentinels so much that I make them super angry and they summon some walkers after me. (or find one as a reward from a random mission)
For screenshot purposes, I decided to make the Sentinels angry with me. 🤣
And with that done, I at last had a Conflict Scanner installed in my ship and I hoped that at last I would be able to find a dang Outlaw System. I'd just like to note here, that as of this point in time I've literally been in the game all day. For nine hours. Don't judge me. And I still haven't even seen a new solar sail ship.
Now, even though I had the Conflict Scanner installed now, I still had no idea what the hell I was looking for.
I found a 'lawless' system! Which sounded exactly where Outlaws would hide... but, no. They weren't there. Uggggggghhhhhh!
So, I literally moved the mouse around like a crazy person whilst on the galaxy map. Then unexpectedly, unintentionally, hovered over a system which then showed a skull on the Conflict Scanner. Controlled by Pirates.
So, like any sane person would, I sat in the Outlaw den for ages, just waiting for a new Solar Sail Ship to appear before me... and nothing came. 🤣 Two normal ships visited, left, then nothing else bothered to show up. Woo.
And that concludes my semi-frustrating day in No Man's Sky. 😁
Until next time! 🚀🤣