No Man's Sky ~ Smashing Through Milestones
A couple of days ago, I was dragged out of the silent depths and back into the place where busy bees gather to prepare sacred words and images for their Hive; today, I continue babbling about the adventure I began in the new Adrift Expedition that's currently gracing the servers of No Man's Sky.
Most of my last post was spent laughing at myself because @thegoliath had the audacity to join my in-game party without warning and thus subjected himself to Household Crazytown as my new webcam mic decided to broadcast all the agonising noise you could possibly imagine before I shut it down.
This time I intend to babble a bit more about the actual game.
This is my first time playing through an Expedition and so far I'm quite enjoying the journey.
Normally No Man's Sky is a vast sandbox with no real goal. Whenever I've played in the past, I usually do the same old thing: repair ship, do Atlas story to get it out of the way, trade for millions of moneys, find beautiful world, set up base, get bored, stop playing.
Having proper objectives to do is a breath of fresh air.
The galaxy is empty. Only myself and other Travellers inhabit the realm. There are no alien NPCs, the galactic trade network is minimal, and even the Anomaly is an emptied void.
There are still the basics in the Anomaly though. Like character customisation and being able to spend your nanites on various base building things. One of the milestones also leads you there.
The milestones are basically your objectives.
In the screenshot above, I was actually quite amused! I went to a rendezvous point to finalise one of the milestones, when what should I see but a bunch of stairways atop a great mountain.
Another milestone is to climb a certain height... thanks to the kindness of strangers, I used their ginormous staircases to complete my objective and finalise another milestone!
Completing the milestones in this is how you find the most important upgrades for your gear and ship.
I've got environmental protection equipped in my exosuit, I found myself a Sentinel ship and took it for my own then upgraded it with more hyperdrive modules allowing me to explore the far reaches of the galaxy. I've acquired more inventory space, ship space, and multitool slot allotments. I found a derelict freighter, cleared it of horrible beasties, then it became my very own.
After 13 hours of exploration so far, I have completed three phases of milestones...
Just two more phases to go and I've completed all the milestones!
Upon completion I will be rewarded with a cool spaceship and stuff, which, from what I understand, will be permanently available via a vendor on the Anomaly for any new character I may create in the future.
I'm hoping to smash it all out tomorrow during Destiny 2's 25-hour expansion maintenance. 😁
Wish me luck!
Until next time! 🎮🔫🔥