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No Man's Sky ~ Adrift upon an Expedition


kaelci11.8 K9 months agoPeakD3 min read


@thegoliath is making me write a post, as I have been incredibly slack over the past year so far and have barely written a thing at all. What better way than to write a little something about No Man's Sky, especially since a new Expedition has recently released!

I've never really touched the No Man's Sky Expeditions before. I always hop in when a new expansion is released, but I've always ignored the expeditions... not this time. This time I was intrigued enough to have a looksie and join in.


Awakening upon a dead world, bereft of plantlife and inhabited only by giant worms, I set forth to find my space ship, repair it, and stay alive while doing so.

Thankfully there are rocks with minute traces of oxygen in them and so that's how I keep the life-support running. Through the kindness of rocks.


Mining rocks and staring in awe at the constant ground-shuddering appearance of the space-worms... I suddenly hear Discord bing and realise that someone has joined my party. It's none other than TheGoliath himself.

I notice that my speaker icon is beside my name, screaming at me that I'm transmitting. My partner's yelling at Apex Legends, my son is harrassing our pet cats and demanding copious food for a dinner I'm not yet ready to cook, I'm slightly insane... and most definitely not interested in voice chatting.

Welcome to the madhouse, TheGoliath. Welcome to the madhouse.

He leaves just as I figure out how to turn off my mic in the settings. Buggers me why the developers didn't put the microphone settings in AUDIO like normal people, but it is what it is.

Sorry, buddy. XD


He missed out on hearing my squeal of terror as a hundred odd giant space-worms descended upon me. Woe.

Somehow, I outrun these creatures and survive.


Scanning my surroundings, I descend down into the depths of the underworld and discover the few remains of plantlife that exist on this otherwise barren planet. They're as hazardous as my unattended open mic. I take care of them before they can take care of me. They harbour precious oxygen. Delicious oxygen. Life-giving oxygen.

No giant space-worms descend upon me whilst I cave-dive, at least, so I take the time to investigate my inventory and multi-tool and see what needs to be done. I have enough resources to upgrade my mining laser to an advanced mining laser, which allows me to learn how to make my own personal refiner, thanks to the Expedition Milestones!


I also kill a few more plants, which allows me a milestone that gives me more starship inventory space. WOO!

I'm actually finding this Expedition quite fun, which surprises me. I tried playing No Man's Sky just a month or so ago and I couldn't get into it... but this Expedition definitely is a unique way to play.

It's rather spiffy having the No Man's Sky gameplay and universe while having proper objectives and whatnot to complete. Not just a pure sandbox experience with strange Atlas story woven within it. It's pretty cool.

I'm definitely going to keep playing this 😁 it should keep my attention well enough whilst I wait for other things. Like the next Destiny 2 expansion! 😆

Let's see what the future milestones will hold! 😁


Until next time! 🎮🔫🔥

I'll try to write more. I'LL TRY!!!


All screenshots in this post are courtesy of me, @kaelci and are from the game: No Man's Sky.


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