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The tact of paying good compliments: How to create your admiration meaningful


julyia63.6223 days ago4 min read

 https://img.inleo.io/DQmaSNtcXfG8hRfnT9abDVpjtm2qHuTffhrRreS7Ja59CuS/1000130173.jpg https://img.inleo.io/DQmWL36YMvGLGQmr7wyGtMHrzHE2fNM1fJdwqZNSoWce4F1/1000130172.jpg
Inasmuch as compliments are said to be words given in appreciation, they carry a whole lot more than what the general saying means; compliments are a way of telling the human race that they are valuable and worth the trouble.

 Everyone is aware that there is something magical in the compliments, how they influence interpersonal relations and create a conducive atmosphere towards achieving positive results in interpersonal relations.

 Here is some advise for anyone who wish to give good compliments from the heart and that would benefit:

1. Be Sincere
Money should definitely be spent wisely because what people get to hear about them or read about them is actually true compliments that last longer. I think that it is often possible for the one who receives it deliver a sign if the praise is real or merely fake. As a way of preventing the illusions of compliments, it is advised that we take a moment to ponder over what is positive in the person before we say it. Their love is often complimented and many times they compliment their partners in what can be described as sincere compliments as compared to useless and meaningless compliments.

2. Be Specific
There are instances when comments made are too general or are lack specific details, the recipient might be left feeling that the giver of the compliments does not really bother. Never say something that are general and can be appreciated any time like ‘you are great’ ‘you did a good job’ instead it is recommended that you specify on the things that you particularly like about the person or something that the person has done. For instance, “Talk about how much you like organization, I’ve noticed that you are so organized and it is helpful to be working with you. ” Different type of compliments provide a cue that have been passed through body language and postures that one has bore attention to specific qualities.
3.conaider timing and context
This has the positive implication of enhancing the meaning and romantically charged impact of a compliment when given appropriately at the right and fitting occasion. A compliment face to face is warmer than getting one through the phone call, and an announcement to a group even improves the morale of the person being complimented as the others hear it. Make sure that you time it correctly when you are giving the compliment so that the person can be receptive to whatever comment you may be making to him or her.

4. Avoid Comparisons
It is rather unproductive to do a comparison and give compliments that puts one person up against another as it will only result in rivalry or jealousy between two individuals. DO: Approach the employee’s ability in a special way: For instance, when giving the feedback one should use words like “I” and not ‘You are the best in this you know than the other colleagues’ This makes the working environment to be one where everybody feels wanted, comfortable and welcome.

5.Use positive body language and tone

 the tone of the language are beneficial when it comes to writing because it is best to steer clear from negativity.
Writing positive words down might also be in a compliment format but immediately analyzed and then proceed to noting other non-verbal forms of delivery to make the compliment genuine. Talk to your friend in a proper angle that he can see your mouth, smile and pat him gently if you are willing to emphasis on your point.

6.Compliment character over appearance

Although one is free to utter a few words and compliment a man or a woman and tell the man or woman that he or she looks good, it might be even more significant to tell the man or woman something about him or her personality or about something done. For example, although some of the most appreciated signs include feelings as in, ‘I like your quite nature and your performance under pressure, ’ the message on physical attractiveness are considered as some of the least valuable.

7. Use Positive Language
Frame your compliments positively. Although you are easily disappointed, you may want to replace such infelicitous blessing as, “You don’t give up easily,” with the following phrase: “There you go again, you are very adamant. ”This statement should be made in an affirmative manner for it involves the things you like the qualities, characteristics and aspects that make the other person worthy of compliment.

If you were to apply such guidelines for scoring, then one should have been able to provide rightful compliments well given, sincere, rightly timed, and motivational.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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