Walking Down a Road Towards a Goal
Step by step, progress is made and that is the way I like that it. There is beauty in that. Here are 14 random pictures of my family and things relating to that from like the 1950's to the 1970's, approximately.
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Walking Down a Road Towards a Goal
Published on 2020-09-11 - Friday
Published in September of 2020
My dad's dad, Peter Marinus Rasp
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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Chevron Gas
This photo is probably from 1950's in Gold Hill or Medford in Oregon where my dad grew up. This appears to be like a gas station, a store, a cafe, a few things like that all in one.
I don't know if my dad lived here as a kid or not. This place might have been a house and also a store, maybe a hotel, maybe a cafe, maybe a few different things at this house or houses.
Adopted Brothers
My dad and his 2 adopted brothers, Jim and I forget the name of the other one. Was it Jackson or was the that the name of the father?
Police cars from like the 1960's or 1970's.
My dad, Don Arnold, during a Christmas.
Was this Janet, my dad's first wife or who is this? Was it Patty? I am not sure who Patty was but thought I heard that name one time long ago.
1975 - My dad, Don Arnold
1979-09 - Mary Margaret Hocking
Family History
Mary married my dad's dad, Peter Marinus Rasp. After he died in 1953, she married Walt Atkins. We have this photo of Mary from September of 1979. My mom helped my dad find her possibly early in 1980 and this must have been the photo she sent.
My Dad's Mom
My dad was born in 1950 and didn't know he was adopted by the time he was like three. His dad died in 1953. He found out he was adopted around 1965 or possibly before 1969 at the latest. It was probably during high school and probably before college when he found out. My mom was helping him find his mom.
