The honeybee
The honeybee (Apis mellifera).
It belongs to the family Apidae, which includes more than 5000 species. The body length of a worker is 1.2-1.5 cm, the queen 1.8-2.5 cm.
The stinger consists of two venom glands, a reservoir for venom, and a serrated sting, which causes the stinger to get stuck in the enemy's skin; as a result, the bee dies after the stinger is torn off. Stinger is 2mm long and has a diameter of 0.1mm. Bee venom is a colorless liquid with a characteristic odor (for me personally, this smell reminiscent of something remotely similar to apple with a mixture of some chemistry, and what association does the smell of bee venom evoke in you?) and a bitter taste, it quickly dries up in the air and turns into crystals. The venom is heat-resistant, withstanding freezing and heat up to 115 degrees. When stung, a bee injects 0.3-0.8 mg of venom, depending on time of year and age of the bee. For humans, a lethal dose is about 0.2 g of venom, which is about 500 to 1000 stings.
