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What's Your Nickname & How Did You Get It? They Called Me Neck!


inalittlewhile1.1 K5 years agoeSteem3 min read


The King

It's been several years since anyone has called me Neck! Back in the days of high school baseball, I was skinny and quite tall for my age. As I entered my freshman year, I was already 6'1" with no fat and little muscle mass.

I suppose the lack of any upper torso development helped pronounce a neck that probably is longer than most people's. And so my beloved baseball mates dubbed me 'Neck'. In case you're wondering, I never liked it.

Still, I was quick to join in the naming of another teammate who we called Jelly Bean. He didn't like that one either. It was a viscous circle that did lead to some altercations from time to time.


Not All Nicknames Are Demeaning

Later in life as I headed down my hippie path, I picked up a more endearing nickname. A couple, actually.

Believe it or not ("I'm walking on air"), this head of mine used to be full of dreadlocks. Natty ripped up dreadlocks that were formed impromptu by my own hands.

Take a look at me now in the post I wrote yesterday about haircuts!


During those dreadlocked days the girls called me Sir Geoffrey. A play on my real name, Geoff. The other endearing term whom my musician friends invented was Stacky.

Stacky is a play on my last name, but I think it may have had a double meaning. Something to do with buds, and bongs, and stacking buds in bongs....

Only a few friends that I've kept in touch with through the years call me Stacky anymore. No one calls me Neck. Don't do it! Lol.

My Wife Is 'Mama Bear' 🐻


All the employees that train under my wife and the ones who are now successful adore her. And so she's nicknamed Mama Bear!

I suppose they see her as a big reason for the success in sales they now enjoy. They have a point. She did way more than just show them how to do it! As she puts it, she has their back from start to wherever they end up.

Why Do We Love Giving Nicknames & How Does It Happen?

It seems at first glance that nicknames must comply to some criteria.

For example, they often catch on from a single idea spread by a single individual. It takes a group, however, to approve and apply that nickname.

On the other hand, a man and a wife might have their own little names for each other (good and/or bad) that no one else calls them by.

Aren't these too nicknames? Or do they fall under a different naming category?

And pets!! They get nicknames too, don't they? I can't leave out our pets. My youngest son has been calling our Sun Conure.....Granola. Her name is Aurora!!! Poor bird. 🐦


Thanks @acesontop & @phorton For The Nickname Idea!

Since I've picked up the writing bug again, Aces (as I call him) has been stopping by to support my blog on a daily basis. That deserves a nickname if I say so myself. 🤙

And while talking to Phorton today, he inadvertently gave me the idea for this post. Thanks Phorton. I don't know you well enough for nicknames yet but there's always tomorrow. 😁

So What's Your Nickname? Too Shy To Share It?

Give up your nickname in the comments below.....if you dare!

Thanks for reading and Happy Hiveing!!!


Images Courtesy Of Pixabay.com
Bottom Image Courtesy Of Hive.io Brand Assets



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