
My review about the adoption campaign

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ijelady476.21last year8 min read

When the campaign was announced to be 40 days. It was as if it was a long time. But before you know it, it was over. How time flies so fast. It was a great moment and I'm happy that I was part of this unforgettable event.

I want to express my gratitude to Leo team who made this campaign possible and all the challengers who started from day one till the end. When we started, it was not easy but with constant update and feedback, everything fall in place. Follow me as I give you my overall view about the adoption campaign.

The campaign helped me learn more about leofinace

Honestly, I was among those who are not active members of leofinace. I always feel nervous each time I want to write in the community. At a time, I #threaded about it. And many Lions on threads encouraged me to write. I tried but it wasn't easy. But as the campaign started, I saw myself making post on leofinace community with fear. Not just that, I created post of 1,000, words and 1,500 using leoGlossary for the first time and use it well at least 10 if it. It was an awesome training to me and others.

The young guys will say their eyes tear. Honestly my eyes tear about leofinace. I began to read more. I came to understand exactly what the community is all about. I have not been creating videos on hive regularly. I was able to create 3 videos during the campaign.

I also joined the drawing adventure and complete it. Something that will not be possible if not for this campaign. I was able to create my first post in Allien art community. I made so many friends on Hive Blockchain during the campaign. I learn to keep first thing first. I remained focus during the challenge. It was during the campaign I learned that my comment through ecency does not count on threads. The first week of the challenge, I was busy commenting through ecency. And each time leaders board record is showed, I will see myself not doing much not knowing I was not doing it right all this while. Now I can reply from threads and am very happy doing that now.

To reply using the front end is so fast now and is really smooth. It doesn't go up and down again. If not for the campaign, I will still be doing what I use to be.i also learn how to use tag correctly now in my post.

I was completely engaged throught the challenge

I never know it is possible to create 50 threads a day unt I saw what thaskmaster did in a week. 1,600 threads. I divided it into 7 and see what he is creating in a day. Although I will not be him, I challenge myself to create and reply up to 50 a day. It wasn't easy the first day but as time progress I broke the barrier and even do 100 a day. I even see it as simple as to create #threadstorm which I have not been doing . We used calendar #tag Monday to Sunday. I didn't miss it from day one till the last day. It helped us to widen out and at the same time beautify the threads. I love foodiefridau tag so much as it makes me to cook a6 snap it. Lol.

It was all fun to join the campaign

If you Did not join the campaign, you missed so many fun we had during the campaign. They are so many, but I will share those that make me and my children laugh like say tomorrow no dey.

  • My RC finished when I was trying to create 3,000 threads. It knocked me out for 2 days and I was thinking it was poor network. Lol, not knowing that I need more HIVE POWER to continue or ask for help. I cried out out for help and so many friends delegated RC to me. This funny thing thought me a great lessons. That is to invest on HIVE power. You know what it means to miss 10kxp because I was unable to meet up. Imagine I have 1k or more HIVE power, it wouldn't have be so. I will get more before the next campaign.

  • Another fun thing is what is happening on leaders board on #zealy each day. That is rank changing. You can see yourself on top5 today and tomorrow, you see yourself on top 20. While you are trying to figure things out, you will rank 30. You out it more effort and you see again you are in top10. It was like this to so many people. Those who where on first position the first day later go down before they go up again. This up and down gives you the moral to do more each day.

  • Another thing that made it more fun was upvote on our quest post. Even though vote is not gauranteed. We all kept on smiling each day as it was raining both on long content and short content. No one want to miss it. We became addicted with leofinace. I read lost of stories on threadstorm and many of them inspired me to do more.
    The campaign was helpful in social media

Using web2 in this campaign was a perfect idea. I still remember that in one of the quest, we were asked to go to Twitter to reply on a question asked on Twitter about what is leofinace. All of us participating reply to that question. And we were asked tweet, like and reply to at least 10 commandments. You know what that means. It was a great marketing to leofinace/Hive.

My followers grow on Twitter during the campaign. I got some questions from people and I answered them. My post got likes on Twitters too. I was checking my notifications on Twitter something I was not used to. I love it as they used social media because millions of people are there looking for opportunities to invest in or to partner with.

The adoption campaign helped Leo reach more people

They reach so many people. Old hivers who have been inactive are now active in threads. Newbies who cannot create Google long content are learning now on threads how to create post and how to comment on threads and post.

Many communities remained active from day one till the end. Many joined the campaign because they saw it on social media and they joined Hive. Leofinace helped us to link our leofinace profile on our page on Twitter. Another wonderful way to reach people whether you are there or not.
The adoption campaign was so helpful

  • It helped so Many of us to join Leo power up day on May which led to the increase we saw on May 15th after the power up. Some challenge asked us to power up certain amount of Leo to claim XP.

  • It helped Leo price to remain high in the market. It has increased our Leo earning on Hive as so many people have higher Leo power now than before. Like me, my own increased from 3klp to 6,600 LP. You can see the jump. I joined the campaign ad a kitten and cam out as a CUB. I believe that others also stepped up than before. I joined the campaign with 412hp and came out with 630hp. Amazing right? The campaign was really really greatfull.

Thing I would love to change

I have to the mindset that it is hard. When I look at as some quest, I tell myself is not for you. I will change the attitude of shifting time for quest. Thinking of the right time to do it. I came to realize that once I say later, I find it difficult to do. And this i tackled immediately, I did them well. Procrastination is easy to practice even when we know is a dream killer.

Things I would keep the same

Following the rules of the quest and consistently follow up. I will give every quest my best. I should start and follow it till the end. I will stick to my good schedule, eat good food, sleep on time and ask questions when I need help.

In conclusion, I want adoption campaign to replace contest on leofinace. To keep to community active all the time, adoption campaign should continue in different styles. There will be no consistency or much activity in the community without challenge.

Naturally humans like challenge and that is the only way to help them bring out their best some of the things we couldn't do before, we did it because there is a challenge. I learned so much and will continue to learn from leofinace.


Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


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