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idikachisom313.7724 days agoHive.Blog4 min read

Good day my beloved one's. How are you all doing today? It a pleasure for me to be here again this week. Today, i will like to look into a topic that holds profound significance in our lives—marriage.

Marriage is a sacred union between two individuals who commit to sharing their lives, dreams, and challenges together and for the rest of their lifes. It is a bond of love, trust, and mutual respect, designed to provide companionship, emotional support, and a foundation for family life. It is also more than a legal contract; it is a covenant that involves deep emotional and spiritual commitments.
For marriage to endure the test of time, it must be built on strong foundations. Key elements include:
Commitment: A lasting marriage requires unwavering commitment from both partners. This means sticking together through thick and thin, weathering life's storms, and continuously working on the relationship especially when trials come.
Communication: Open, honest, and respectful communication is crucial. This allows partners to understand each other's needs, resolve conflicts amicably, and grow closer over time and without communication, it will create a lot of spaces in the family.
Trust: this is also a very important thing
that one need in marriage. Trust is the bedrock of any relationship. It involves being reliable, keeping promises, and maintaining transparency in actions and intentions.

Mutual Respect: Valuing each other's opinions, needs, and individuality fosters a healthy and supportive relationship. Respect ensures that both partners feel valued and heard.
All of these attributes are the things that help marriage to last long.

In the olden days, this are some characters that they possess that helps them maintain their relationships for a long time. Marriages in the past often lasted longer due to several factors:

Cultural and Religious Values: Strong cultural and religious norms emphasized the sanctity of marriage, encouraging couples to persevere through difficulties. This helps them to endure any kind of trouble or dispute between them
Community Support: Extended families and close-knit communities provided support and guidance, helping couples navigate challenges together.

Defined Roles: Clearly defined gender roles and responsibilities often contributed to a sense of stability and partnership within the marriage.
All these factors help the past people to maintain a lonv lasting marriage between themselves.



Today, marriages face unique challenges that can make them seem less enduring:

Individualism: Modern society places a high value on personal fulfillment and independence, which can sometimes conflict with the collective needs of a marriage. And also having the mindset that you are supposed to be free which lead to Divorce have been a problem for our modern day marriage and it have done us more harm than good.
Stress and Pace of Life: The fast pace of modern life, coupled with career pressures and technological distractions, can strain relationships.

Reduced Community Support: The decline of extended family living and community involvement means couples often lack the external support systems that were once prevalent.
In this our day, we can still be able to build a marriage that stands the test of time, reflecting God's design, we can do that by cultivating these qualities:

Love: Genuine, selfless love that prioritizes the well-being of your partner creates a strong and nurturing bond. And it also help in maintaining peace and also brings endurance in the family.
   Patience and Forgiveness: Being patient with each other's shortcomings and forgiving mistakes is crucial for maintaining harmony and growth.
Faith and Spirituality: Sharing a spiritual connection and faith can provide a deeper sense of purpose and unity, helping couples navigate life's challenges with grace.
Humility and Service: Approaching the marriage with humility and a willingness to serve one another fosters a cooperative and loving environment.

So therefore, seeing that marriage is a sacred and profound journey that requires dedication, effort, and the cultivation of key qualities to endure. By embracing commitment, communication, trust, and mutual respect, and by drawing on the enduring values of patience, forgiveness, faith, and humility, we can build marriages that not only last but also thrive.

Let us all strive to develop these qualities, supporting and encouraging one another to create strong, loving, and lasting marriages. Together, we can honor the true essence of this sacred union and inspire others to do the same, making our world a better place filled with enduring love and commitment.


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