Hive JAコミュニティレポート #42 / Hive JA Community Report #42
--- English text is in the second half ---
何だか急に寒くなり、今日は11度までしか気温が上がらないそうです。ついに冬になってしまうのか… と言いつつ写真はアイスコーヒーです。
写真や画像、ちょっとしたつぶやきや記録などにぜひSnapsを使ってみてください。Xのような感じで、気軽に投稿できます。@hive-ja は現在Snapsでのキュレーションを強化中で、投稿だけでなく素敵なコメントなどもできる限りvoteしていこうと思っています。
私とは別に、@djynn さん (@djynnxdjynn さん)もキュレーションしてくれます!
また(あまりいないかもしれませんが)Voting Powerに余裕がある方は、ぜひSnapsへのUpvoteを頂けると嬉しいです🙏特にSnapsでは、$0.01、$0.02の追加が割合的に大きくなります。
日本語本文300文字以上と #japanese タグを含む投稿が対象です。週に1回以上投稿で1HSBI、投稿先のコミュニティはどこでもOKです。
(レピュテーションスコアはフロントエンドによって若干異なる場合があるため、HIVE BLOCK EXPLORERに表示されるスコアを基準にしています。スコア66を越えた方は、投稿特典の配布対象外となります)
また、Hive JAコミュニティに加入していることも条件となります。
@hancos (1HSBI)
@suzanne7 (1HSBI)
@penta555 (1HSBI)
さらに、Hive JAでは「Thanks Giveaway」と称して、10HP以上のdelegatorの皆さんを対象にHSBIのシェアギブアウェイを開催しています。@hive-ja のアカウントに流動$HIVEが5以上貯まる度にルーレットを回し、当選者の皆さんにHSBIのシェアをプレゼントします。コミュニティを応援していただける方はぜひご検討ください。
◆@hive-jaのHIVE POWER: 16,989HP(先週比+42)
Hive JAコミュニティのDiscordはこちら
Hi, it's @go-kyo here.
It suddenly got cold in Tokyo and the temperature is said to be only 11 degrees today. Is it finally turning into winter... Well, the picture is of an iced coffee.
Here is this week's community report.
We'll continue to wait for you at Snaps☺
I have been recommending Snaps to everyone since the end of last month, and it seems to be getting a little more active with new Hive members and those who have taken a break from posting on the blog ... I'm glad!
(※Please open in PeakD)
Try using Snaps for photos, images, small tweets and records, etc. It's like X and you can easily post them. @hive-ja is currently enhancing the curation on Snaps and will try to vote as much as possible, not only for posts but also for nice comments.
Also, if you can afford Voting Power (which may not be many), we would love to have your upvotes on Snaps!🙏
If you are a member of the @hive-ja curation trail, the default setting will only react to regular “blog posts”. If you want to track @hive-ja and upvote Snaps posts as well, please change the setting to “Vote comments too” from HiveVote.
I sent the HSBI share as the posting benefit💰
◆For members with reputation scores up to 65
I sent another HSBI unit as a posting benefit this week.
Posts must contain at least 300 characters of Japanese text and the #japanese tag. 1 HSBI for posting at least once a week, and any community to which you post is acceptable.
(Reputation scores are displayed slightly differently depending on the front end. Therefore, I check the score displayed on the HIVE BLOCK EXPLORER. Those who exceed a score of 66 will not be eligible for distribution of the posting benefits).
You must also be a member of the Hive JA community.
If you have not yet joined, please "JOIN" (for ecency) or "SUBSCRIBE" (for PeakD) from the community page.
@hancos (1HSBI)
@suzanne7 (1HSBI)
@penta555 (1HSBI)
HSBI balances can be checked at the following website.
It takes about 3 hours to be reflected on each site after it is sent by me.
●HSBI website (enter your account name)
In addition, Hive JA is hosting a "Thanks Giveaway" HSBI share giveaway for all 10+ HP delegators. Every time @hive-ja's account accumulates 5 or more liquid $HIVE, I'll spin the roulette and give away a share of HSBI to the winners.
Please consider supporting our community.
Community Overview (as of 11.17.2024)
◆HIVE POWER:16,989HP(weekly change+42)
◆Number of community members:50(weekly change +1)
◆Number of followers of curation trail:15(weekly change±0)
Click here for the Hive JA Community Discord server.
See you next week. Thank you for reading!
