This Week in Hive Book Club | One More Day Before The Contest Ends ! !
Since we announced the contest, we have received about 22 entries submitted under the first announcement post of the tag #hbcjanuaryreview. We look forward to more submissions as the contest ends in about A DAY!
Furthermore, Hivebookclub is growing from about 137 subscribers to 175 subscribers with 40 active posters. We hope to continue to grow and support readers, content creators, and authors in Hive Book Club.
The January review is the starter to revive this community. Hopefully, there will be more exciting challenges and contest with a bigger prize pool in the coming months.

Here are ten highlighted entries and posts from HivebookClub this week in no particular order:
Author | Title | Description |
![]() | Book Review: Last Writes by Laura Levine | ''Jaine Austen is a freelance writer whose biggest client is Toiletmasters Plumbers. She lives with her spoiled cat Prozac and gets pulled into messes with her parents even though they live 3000 miles away in Florida. She ended up helping to solve a murder when one of her clients was arrested.'' |
![]() | Hermann Hesse "Die Morgenlandfahrt" 1932 / Герман Гессе "Паломництво до країни Сходу" 1932 | ''The third book I listened to in 2021 was the book "Pilgrimage to the East" by Hermann Hesse, written in 1932. In this article I will try to summarize a certain summary of everything that I understood after listening to it (it will not be easy). On a scale of 10, I would rate this book 6. It was too difficult to perceive.'' |
![]() | My review on EL NAUFRAGO by the writer Gabriel García Márquez. - Mi reseña sobre EL NAUFRAGO del escritor Gabriel García Márquez. | ''Historia de un náufrago que estuvo diez días a la deriva en una balsa sin comer ni beber, que fue proclamado héroe del país, besado por las reinas de belleza y enriquecido con la publicidad, y luego odiado por el gobierno y olvidado para siempre.'' |
![]() | BOOK REVIEW THE QUESTIONS CHILDREN ASK AND HOW TO ANSWER THEM | ''Children's curiosity is unlimited, did you know that? They question everything that they don't understand or that calls their attention; that's why we parents must be prepared to answer with certainty to all the opportune and inopportune questions of our children.'' |
![]() | Book Review Contest - Captain Alatriste Review | ''It's one of the books I was able to read in 2020. Written by Arturo Perez Reverte, a Spaniard dedicated to writing and journalism. It should be note that he is also a member of the Royal Spanish Academy since 2003. He is an author who stands out for the historical armed conflicts he introduces in his books.'' |

Author | Title | Description |
![]() | JANUARY BOOK REVIEW CONTEST - Book: The man who calculated | ''Its genre is fiction, literature mentioning mathematics and its first edition was in 1938, it is a book that is still in force obtaining fifth place of the best selling books in the world, according to what was published in the newspaper O Globo in May 2004. Press of Brazil, the author's country of origin.'' |
![]() | [ENG/RUS]. My book and participation in Contest Hive Book Club | ''This book is the first work in the history of the Great Silk Road, which has collected on its pages exactly what entrepreneurs, merchants and ordinary people need, living on this famous trade route. The Great Silk Road has already played an important role in the history of the development of all countries and cities adjacent to it. It blossomed, then faded, accepting the new coming, but the impression was that the Great Silk Road, like a living organism, is again awaiting its Revival. '' |
![]() | BOOK REVIEW: "YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR ORGANIZATION" | ''I remember that since I began my reading, a relevant aspect caught my attention, and it was the establishment of what they define as strategic stakeholder analysis (SAA), this as the first step of any change-generating subject when starting the implementation of its project.'' |
![]() | JANUARY BOOK REVIEW CONTEST - Sapiens. From animals to gods | ''Sapiens. From animals to gods, is an interesting book of history and philosophy that tells us about humanity, from its beginnings with the appearance of the most evolved species and the consequences that this has led to over time. The author indicates each of what, according to him, have been the most important revolutions in the chronology of homosapiens approximately one hundred thousand years ago. We are talking about the cognitive revolution, the agricultural revolution and the scientific revolution.'' |
![]() | Book Review — David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet | ''In this book, Sir David Attenborough tackles a far more practical approach. Establishing the cause and effect, he succinctly put how it’s about saving humanity, our very own hide, and not saving the planet. In truth, whatever we do, after we’re gone the planet will recover at her own pace, bringing forth new life.'' |

If there are plenty poster in the community, we are going increase the curation from once a week to twice a week.
The authors posted the posts within the last week until yesterday. If you posted under 20 hours, you will have the chance to be highlighted in the next week's news. See you next week!

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