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My Mom, My Light: Happy Mother's Day 💐✨


haruki.tls123366.62last monthPeakD6 min read

Helllooooo hello helloo everyone! it me again, it's haruki.tls123, and I'm back again with a new blog post! And I am thrilled to be back again after so many busy days:< Today, as we honor Mother's Day, I want to take this moment to talk about someone incredibly special to me, of course it is none other than, my mom. She's like a beautiful melody that's always been there in the background of my life and a beautiful light that guides me throughout my paths, and I can't wait to share with you just how wonderful she truly is ❤️^^!

Do you have someone special who spends lots of time with you, cares a lot about you, and is super important? Well, I'm lucky because I have someone like that in my life. She's not just anyone; she's like a superhero of love, strength, and kindness. Whenever she's with me, everything feels sooooo cozy and safe 😩. Her hair is really dark and smooth, like a fancy curtain. Her face always looks friendly and smart, like she knows everything. Her eyes are brown and so warm, like hot chocolate on a cold day. When she hugs me or touches my hand, it feels like a big, warm hug full of love and encouragement. She's not just my mom; she's like my favorite song that makes me feel happy and guides me through all the ups and downs of life. She's my light in the darkest shadows of my days, she's is a blessing from heavens ✨ .

Huhu my apologies in advance because I don't have a lot of pictures of my mom with me since she is that kind of that person who doesn't like to be pictured. HAHAHAHHA. She will always said "I'm ugly so don't snap a picture on me or I'll snap your mouth" HAHAHHAHAHAHAHH just kidding, even though she's a strict mother, I'm grateful because I always feel safe through her ways. I'm actually really close to my mom. Yes, I am a Mama's Boy 😩. Growing up in Manila with a strong bond with my mom has shaped me a lot. She's always been protective and kept me away from certain things in the city because she knew they could be tough. Manila can be busy and there are lots of things that can distract you. Sometimes, her rules felt strict and that was frustrating, like it is for most kids with their parents. But as I've gotten older, I understand why she did it. She just wanted me to have a good future and stay on the right track. We didn't have much money when I was young, so she wanted me to focus and not get into trouble. It wasn't just about me; it was about making life better for our whole family. My mom's advice was for all of us, to give everyone a chance for a better life. Even though I didn't always like her strict rules before, now I realize it was the best thing she did for us. It helped me find success and happiness, not just for me, but also for my dad and my little brother. That's why she's my light ✨.
As some of you know because I've said it in my previous blogs that my father had a stroke while working, which left him unable to work. This put a lot of pressure on my mom to take care of our family. Even though she's small, she's incredibly strong. It's been a long time since my dad got sick, and I'm still doing okay, all thanks to my mom's support. Things were tough without my dad's income, but instead of feeling sad about it, my mom found ways to make money. She started selling bread from my cousin's bakery and even sold "puto" on the side. My mom's ability to find solutions and stay strong is amazing, and I'm so thankful for her. It's kinda hard to imagine that even she's just a small person, she is so resilient like a Goliath, in a good and lovable way. 💙
This knowledge, these skills, the medals, certificates and all of the achievements that I've had in my life they're all gifts. But my mother? She's not just a gift; she's a blessing. She is the reason why I am doing this. She's the reason why I want to achieve many things in my life, she's the one that gives me the reason to be best in my path and to become a greater version on myself. Despite her strictness, she's incredibly understanding, overflowing with love for me, my little brother and my father❤️. Even in our toughest moments, she's selfless and not at all materialistic. She does everything for my sibling and me. But we are not spoiled by her, we all know our limitations and that's actually good and also, she will be your best friend 💙.

She always finds time for my little brother and me, even though she's busy with work. I sometimes feel sorry for her because she works so hard to take care of us. That's why I work hard in school and want to finish my education—to repay her and my dad for everything they've done. I don't want my mom to get tired like my dad, who got sick because he worked so much. You know what's funny about my mom? When she's had a bit to drink, hahaha! She starts dancing like a zombie or a robot. It's so funny! Sometimes she says silly things, and other times, she'll suddenly start praying. HAHAHAHAHA! She's not just caring and hardworking; she's also really fun. I swear^^!
But what she loves even more is singing! Ahhhhhh, her voice is just so majestic!!!!~ Maybe that's where I got my singing voice, AYYYY HAHAHAHAHA. Hahaha! Just joking around. Even though I love singing, I'm not that great at it. But my mom? Oh my goodness, she's amazing at singing 🤩🎵. Her favorite song is from the Titanic movie, "My Heart Will Go On," and when she sings it, it's like the Titanic ship is back alive! HAHAHAHA!

As we celebrate Mother's Day, let's pause and reflect on the priceless role mothers play in our lives. Their love knows no limits, and their support is a steady anchor in our journey. Let's take a moment to treasure the beautiful melodies they bring into our days, filling them with warmth and love. May we honor their boundless love by embracing each moment with gratitude and joy, cherishing the precious bond that makes our lives brighter. Happy Mother's Day to all the incredible moms out there! ❤️ We love you all~

Thank you for reading this new blog of mind today!!! haruki.tls123 out~ sayonara<3 ❤️ see you in my next blog!



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