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We are going to Split!


gtg5.7 K6 months ago2 min read

We are going to Split! - That might seem obvious because I've been fortunate to attend every annual meeting since its inception.
That is, until last year.
For the first time, I missed HiveFest last year. While I enjoyed watching the event via online streams, it was nothing compared to being there in person. I even hosted an alternative cry-party for those who couldn't go to Rosarito.
Yes, that absence created the longest HiveFest deprivation period in my Hive life ;-)

https://images.hive.blog/DQmVKxG4boxjYf8QbSspk93sF9q8sVKBFzSd3ZP991x8F5k/split.jpg @gandalf and @dobranoc visiting split. Way long before the genesis block.

Can you guess the year this photo was taken? It was the last time my wife and I visited Split...

So yes, we are coming back to Split together.

And how about you?
Still wondering if you should attend this year?
There's still time to arrange it, get your ticket and come :-)

But hey, this is supposed to be #roadtohivefest.
For us it's an actual road - because we are driving there.

For those of you flying, a friendly reminder: I made a deal with SkyTeam Airline Alliance which is an official partner of HiveFest, offering potential discounts on flights for you.

We're going to do some sightseeing on the way there and back, with shorts stops planned in Vienna and Plitvice Lakes National Park.


Navigation says it's 24 hours behind the wheel both ways - if there are no stops and no traffic, and of course, using toll roads. Avoiding them would make it 35 hours. No, we're not that crazy.
2300 km in total, five countries to drive through. Easy.

Are there other attendees coming to HiveFest by car?
Maybe someone taking the train?

What's your #roadtohivefest?


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