
[AI] Quantum Communication Ideas; Can LLMs Translate Data faster than the speed of sound?


gray0010.914 months agoHive.Blog3 min read


Creating a Python script with two separate GUIs for quantum communication nodes that send messages to each other using multiversal IDs requires a more complex setup. Each GUI will represent a different node (Node A and Node B), and they will communicate using the specified multiversal IDs from the config.json.

This script will be divided into two parts: one for Node A and another for Node B. Each part will have its own GUI, and they will communicate using a shared configuration file.

Here's the complete script for both nodes:

Node A Script (node_a.py)
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import json
import hashlib
import pennylane as qml
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import simpledialog
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(name)

qml_device = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=4)

class QuantumCommunicationNode:
    def init(self, config):
        self.node_id = config["node_id"]
        self.entanglement_key = self.generate_entanglement_key(config["entanglement_key"])
        self.dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=4)
        self.chunk_size = config.get("chunk_size", 100)

    def generate_entanglement_key(self, key):
        if key == "auto_generate":
            key_input = f"{self.node_id}-{datetime.now().isoformat()}"
            return hashlib.sha256(key_input.encode()).hexdigest()
        return key

    def quantum_encode_message(self, message):
        message_hash = hashlib.sha256(message.encode()).hexdigest()
        color_code = message_hash[:6]
        amplitude = len(message) / 100

        def circuit():
            r, g, b = [int(color_code[i:i+2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4)]
            r, g, b = r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0
            qml.RY(np.arcsin(np.sqrt(r)), wires=0)
            qml.RY(np.arcsin(np.sqrt(g)), wires=1)
            qml.RY(np.arcsin(np.sqrt(b)), wires=2)
            qml.RY(np.arcsin(np.sqrt(amplitude)), wires=3)
            qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1])
            qml.CNOT(wires=[1, 2])
            qml.CNOT(wires=[2, 3])
            return qml.state()

        return circuit()

    def chunk_message(self, message):
        return [message[i:i + self.chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(message), self.chunk_size)]

    def send_message(self, message, recipient_node):
        for chunk in self.chunk_message(message):
            encoded_chunk = self.quantum_encode_message(chunk)
            logger.info(f"Sending encoded chunk: {encoded_chunk}")

    def receive_message(self, encoded_message):
        logger.info(f"Received encoded chunk: {encoded_message}")

def load_config():
    with open('config.json', 'r') as file:
        return json.load(file)

class QuantumCommApp(tk.Tk):
    def init(self, node):
        self.node = node
        self.title(f"Quantum Communication Node - {self.node.node_id}")

    def initialize_ui(self):
        self.label = tk.Label(self, text=f"Node ID: {self.node.node_id}")

        self.send_button = tk.Button(self, text="Send Message", command=self.send_message)

        self.message_label = tk.Label(self, text="")

    def send_message(self):
        message = simpledialog.askstring("Input", "Enter your message:", parent=self)
        if message:
            self.node.send_message(message, self.node) # Simulate sending to itself or another node
            self.message_label.config(text=f"Sent message: {message}")

def main():
    config = load_config()
    node_a = QuantumCommunicationNode(config["NodeA"])
    app = QuantumCommApp(node_a)

if name == "main":
Node B Script (node_b.py)
This script will be almost identical to node_a.py, with the only difference being the node configuration. Replace "NodeA" with "NodeB" in the main function:

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... (rest of the code remains the same as node_a.py)

def main():
    config = load_config()
    node_b = QuantumCommunicationNode(config["NodeB"])
    app = QuantumCommApp(node_b)

if name == "main":
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    "NodeA": {
        "node_id": "NodeA",
        "entanglement_key": "auto_generate",
        "chunk_size": 100
    "NodeB": {
        "node_id": "NodeB",
        "entanglement_key": "auto_generate",
        "chunk_size": 100
Run node_a.py and node_b.py separately. Each script will open a GUI for its respective node. The communication is simulated, as actual quantum communication is not feasible with current technology. The scripts demonstrate a conceptual framework for a quantum communication system with GUIs and multiversal IDs.


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