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graat162.7328 days ago5 min read

Long distance journeys have always been a relief for me, especially when travelling with friends or family. Sometimes I would decide to go on a journey just because my friends were going to this place not because I had any personal reason for going there.

On this fateful day, I was travelling to meet my dad, it was the end of a school session and I wanted to spend the holiday with him, so I had to travel with strangers. I had left school quite early because my dad would not want me to be on the road late in the day or even at night.

I boarded a bus at the motor park and proceeded to take the front seat because I was the first person to come to the bus and I love staying in the front whenever possible so I can get a view of the road and occasionally look at the dashboard to appreciate the speedometer.

After sometime an elderly woman came to the bus, she must have been in her late 60's.
"Good morning ma" I had greeted.
"Good morning my son, how are you doing?" She replied, sounding friendly. "I am fine ma" I replied, returning a warm smile.

The bus got filled quite quickly save for the last seat which took almost an hour before someone finally came, he was a middle aged man who looked very neat and official unlike most of us in the bus who dressed casually. He looked like he was going for a serious meeting and was happy to be the last person.
"So you guys have been waiting for me, let's go!" he said. I assumed he was already late for his meeting or whatever he was going for because of the way he spoke.

Shortly after he boarded the bus, the driver ignited the engine and we took off. The driver accelerated so fast while still on the street road and I observed the speedometer was approaching 100km/h . I was not comfortable with it but decided to keep my cool.


When we got into the highway, the driver increased his speed to almost 140km/h and increased the volume of the speaker. Occasionally he would climb a road defect while on high speed causing the passengers to make violent sudden movements.
"We are not going to Lagos o, driver take it easy. The speed is too much" it was the elderly woman speaking, she was visibly worried. "And reduce the volume of that music" added a man sitting at the back.

The driver was not listening to them and continued in his usual speed. Then we arrived at a military checkpoint and had to slow down. This time around, the driver didn't speed up immediately afterwards, he appeared to be observing his tyre through the side mirror but the man in official wear said "driver speed up, why are you even slowing down?"

None of the passengers was happy with him, they all shut him up.
"Why did you not take a flight? Since you are so much in a hurry" a lady asked.
"You see a driver who has been rough and you are encouraging him to continue speeding" another lady added.
"If you want to die, why not die alone?" the elderly man sitting beside him added.
No one was happy with the man because the driver was already careless and his encouragement would only add fuel to the fire.

"It's not as if I want to die, just that I have an appointment to meet up with" the man defended himself.
"Even though, safety first" I said, "if an unforeseen circumstance occurs now, that appointment would be the least of your worries. Next time, just take off early or even go the day before the appointment" I added.

"It's alright guys, you have won" he said feeling defeated. The driver was still driving slowly and even decelerating but it was not because of us, one of his tyres was getting flat and he was looking out for a vulcanizer so he can pump it.

Immediately we saw a place and he pumped the tyre, he resumed his speeding, paying no attention to our pleas.
I couldn't sleep throughout the journey because I was not comfortable with the speeding but at the same time, I felt that the number of complaints the driver received should be enough to compel the driver if he had listening ears or even distract him and I didn't want to add mine.

When I arrived at the junction leading to my dad's house, I alighted with joy that the troublesome journey was finally over.

After narrating my ordeal to my dad, he advised that next time I experience such, that I should inform the driver that I want to get down and I should go take another bus.
Thankfully, I have not had a similar experience again and hence no need to follow this instruction.

While going back to school, I saw the same driver loading but I refused to enter his bus, choosing rather to wait for the next bus even though it would cause me delay. I was not prepared for a turbulent journey again.
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