From One Human to Another, Let's Do Better
If there is one truth about humans, it is the fact that we aren't perfect, that's just what makes us humans, but still, there are certain traits exhibited by some fellow humans that shouldn't just be swept under the rug of that claim that we aren't perfect, because it is expected for us adults to have basic common sense on how we interact with fellow humans and the things we deal with each day.
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This is one of the very reasons I would mostly choose to deal with an object or non-living thing more and be in my space as a programmer, engineer, or fashion designer in my case and have few physical interactions than having a job like a receptionist, or school teacher, trust me, I've been there and know what it feels like having to deal with some humans who exhibit these irritating characters that pisses me off so bad I feel like opening their brain to instill some sense and the right way to act into them, let me just keep my calm because writing about it might want to lead to a rant post which I don't want it to, rather I would like people who exhibit these characters to learn, just maybe some of them don't know that what they do is bad and worth changing.
The first on my list is Pride, don't get me wrong, it's ok to be proud of yourself for an accomplishment, but people who look down on others because they've attained certain heights, and now feel like they are god to people below them, this character irritates me the most, because the very life we live is not by our strength, congrats to you if you work to achieve the position you are in now, but do you know that there is something called grace, and there is also room to overtake, the poor man's son you look down on today might become your boss tomorrow, and also someone who is up and proud can be easily brought down, so we should learn to treat others the way we would love others to treat us, and I'm sure nobody likes to be disrespected, so why give others same treatment you don't like?.
Another trait that outright makes me have a U-turn from someone without looking back especially coming from someone I trust so much is Dishonesty, I guess growing up with a dad who doesn't mind even if he gets mocked for his honesty, would keep on being honest has rubbed off on me, I can't count the number of times I would give back a trader his money when I'm overpaid my balance, especially these market women, that they wonder if I'm truly a Nigerian, to me, nothing is worth staining your name/reputation for, as a business owner, I'm a testament to the fact that honesty pays off, if not now, in the long run, it does, including trust alongside, but some individuals are always after what they would loot immediately, risking a better opportunity in the future because they've lost that trust.
And finally, the shameless beggars who take advantage of others. It's ok to ask for help when in need, but those who take it as a daily job, rather than work to make a living, they would choose live their life begging from family and friends, even strangers as if it's their right, they sit at home and would always be on their phone looking for the next person to call and bill, they even have a bible scripture to back up their lifestyle, you would hear them say, the bible says ask and it shall be given, they forget same Bible says there is no food for a lazy man, the fact that some people are willing to help doesn't mean they don't have their own problems, don't take advantage of someone's kindness and build an office on their head, hustle, and your payday would come, when I meet these set of people after several encounters, I just give them space because even if you show them the way to hustle, they would still end up in their begging ways, their case is special.
These characters disgust me, and I hope anyone who does any of these and has the opportunity to read this post dissuade from such acts.
Image 2 is mine
Thank you for reading.❤❤
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