Welcome traveller,
Journey here to see the new majestic and wonderous offerings from @gifu brought to you by the great mystics of the universe.
Today we are rolling out @gifufaithful, a fearsome delegation bot forged in the fires of Mount Gifu, bound together by the blood of the great elders to reward our most faithful and cherished believers.
Yes, today we begin to reward our divine brethren in the mysterious ways of hive inflation; the "Ichor" to the elixir of Gifu, the most famed and cherished of all the cryptosphere.
Is this what you seek o' noblest of gifu holders? Hive rewards for holding gifu?
And this is yet the beginning, for a bounty of treasures await in the future.
Please make sure you read The Oracle's Slate carefully, for it is words of wisdom that is only parted on the few:
The path to enlightenment is as follows:
50k $Gifu - 0.75% Upvote
5 Million $Gifu - 75% Upvote
The more Gifu that you have, the higher you will be blessed. The increase is linear, the more you hold, the higher your path will be illuminated.
But what's that you say? You want to earn some Gifu rather than hive? You want to receive the elixir of life in it's truest of forms? Then fear not weary traveller, for we have just the solution for you.
True believers can delegate hive to @gifufaithful and they will receive the holy bread of $gifu daily to their hive engine account. It will work as if Aeloria, The High Priestess of the Crystal Oracle were to visit in their dreams; nothing needs be done, for it will appear there daily, without effort, into your account.
The $Gifu elders will be watching, evaluating, ever curious about the ways in which our new gifts to the community are used -- we will reward faith with high esteem, and we will punish sin with vengeance; for altruistic gifts are not to be abused, but cherished.
Use out tools wisely, traveller.
This is another use case in our elixir; another in a long line of reasons of why you should walk the path of the $gifu.
We have holy burns, our overall market cap is very low, our holy leader appears to his followers regularly, and we were borne 5.5 Months ago.
We are strong, and we are proud.
But don't think this is the end traveller, for there is much to learn on this journey, much to uncover about ourselves and the path ahead; only the most faithful and truest of believers will ascend to the heights of true $gifu power.
This is only just the beginning.
