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Bookfair is almost here! Meetings and coffee


gaviotawriter51.3813 days ago2 min read


Hello, coffee lovers! Havana's International Bookfair it's around the corner. It starts on February 13th and ends ten days later. It's a very important event for all of us writers, editors, ilustrators, and everyone who makes their living through the book business. This years is even more special to me, because it's my first bookfair living in Havana, and workng in the most important editorial house in Cuba.

I work in Gente Nueva, and editorial house created circa 1960, focused on children and young adoults. It produces 10 times more books than any other editorial house in Cuba and has a massive and fair reputation of good selecting and good editing. For instance, the greatest Science Fiction collection in the whole region belongs to us. It was created back in 2000, it's name is Ambar and publishing there is dream come true for any Sci-Fi writer in my country (I'm not yet in the stage where you deserve to be in Ambar catalogue).

So preparing the bookfair is huge work because he whole child and young adoults pavillion is ours. Artistic groups, craft classes for children, thematic shops and events, a LOT of guests to attend, full logistic crazyness, a lot of work to do in communication department (my department 😅). And meetings. Hours and hours of "this could NOT be an e-mail" meetings.

This meetings require coffee. Purest deep black strong Cuban style coffee. The kind of thing that can put a foraigner in a hospital with just one sip of it.
Here I am, having some coffee.


My boss, signing documents (with coffee). We just came from a tv intervew, by the way.


The big old and faithfull instrument we use to make this sacred beberage 😅. Here in Cuba we use the Italian one. Is the BEST to achieve the kind of coffee we like (dark as or lives, strong as our souls).



So yeah... Meetings and coffee.


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