Think like a Viking: Part eleven

Wise he is deemed who can question well, and also answer back: the sons of men can no secret make of the tidings told in their midst.
Reading the Norse Sagas and Edda's around the fire in my long hall whilst sipping mead from a horn-cup always brings me value and relevant meaning; I thought to share some.
I don't actually have a Viking long hall, but I have a fire and mead so it works. Either way, the reading is valuable. Also I'm putting together a fleet to go raiding in Britain so need warriors and shield maidens; if you're interested apply below in the comments. I'm serious, it's happening. I've got a reliable man on the inside laying the foundations for conquest so success is assured. No health benefits included but if you die we'll burn you on a pyre, so all good. original im src
This week's Viking quote
Wise he is deemed who can question well, and also answer back: the sons of men can no secret make of the tidings told in their midst. The Hávamál
Everybody knows everything these days, or so they believe; with the rise of social media and the interwebs information is so easily gained and almost everything is available with a few clicks of a button. I guess that leads people to feel knowledgeable and informed...But Nah, they're probably neither in truth. Information on the interwebs is often unreliable and, as for most things gained from social media and the media in general, well I don't need to even say it do I? Questionable at best.
In looking at this Viking quote today I see several angles but the underlining point is: Ask the right questions, be open to learning and be able to answer in turn; be knowledgeable, as it will lead to clarity and understanding in oneself and others. It'll also lead to more effective communication which I believe society lacks right now.
Asking questions is not simply something one does of others; we can ask questions of ourselves and the world around us also - In ourselves it could also be called self-reflection, self-investigation, evaluation or simply self-honesty. In the greater world around us it could be defined as inquisitiveness, open-mindedness or awareness. In asking questions, being aware that there are perspectives, concepts and understandings that we may not already possess, will help one develop and grow - In knowledge, understanding, skill and wisdom ultimately.
Being closed off to learning, to questioning things around us and within, thinking one is the smartest person in the room, will not do so.
There's another angle to the quote also, the last part; again there's probably multiple ways to read that phrase. I see it as indicating the importance of being forthright, open and honest with ones dialogues. Speaking plainly, clearly and with focus will mitigate the risk of misinterpretation and misperception. Once again this could relate to oneself also; not understanding oneself, or failing to apply self-honesty, can lead one down paths maybe best not travelled and have negative outcomes eventually.
Having the ability to ask the right questions to others around us, to question what we think we know and to reflect outwardly that which we have within to others is something that in my opinion can work well for a person through bringing greater understanding and clarity. There's limits of course and filters need to be applied.
This is how I've chosen to interpret this quote today however I'm sure there's other ways to see it and if you would like to give me your opinion below in the comments I'll be really pleased. Agree with me or not, it doesn't matter, just get involved.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Discord: galenkp#9209
