G-dog gets in trouble: A text exchange between me and my wife Faith
I'll be honest...I'm adorable. Well, my wife Faith finds me that way anyway; You may have other thoughts or impressions...Or even none at all! But trust me, I am. Adorable! I've always been adorable.
The thing is though, that sometimes I'm also frustrating, annoying, vexing, insufferable, stubborn, unendurable and any number of other adjectives that often leave Faith feeling somewhat irate...Of course, they all add up to making me cute and adorable, they all add up to me being human I guess...And often a very naughty boy.
Sometimes I get into trouble...I know right? Seems almost unbelievable! But it's true.
You see, I have a legit habit bad habit of picking out all of the cashew nuts from a big container of nuts that Faith gets for us to snack on. It contains walnuts, almonds, pine nuts and cashew nuts...To start with...Then when I'm done grazing it only contains the first three...No cashews. Since I'm being honest I'll say that it fucking pisses her off! I can't overstate that. She get's really annoyed.
So...Yesterday when she noticed my legit devious handywork in the nut container she sent me a message. You can see the text message thread below. Her texts in green, mine in grey.

I think it pretty much speaks for itself, don't you think? I make some totally relevant and legit points I reckon. I also think my catshew diet comment was incredibly funny and clever. 😁
I'm also quite proud of how I tried to shift the blame to anyone, and then my cat Cleo. A desperate move or sheer genius? (I say genius...I reckon it almost worked too.)
I believe the most important message here is my point about purchasing all those other shit nuts instead of just cashew nuts. I mean why would she even bother when she knows I'm just going to pick out the cashew nuts? It doesn't make any sense Faithy. (Please don't tell her I said this...I'm in enough trouble as it is.)
Faith and I share some really funny text message communications; Mostly when she's trying to address some stupid shit I've done or tell me off for being an idiot. Sometimes they happen when I'm trying to weasel out of some stupid shit I've done or for being an idiot. Lol...
Frustrating, annoying, vexing, insufferable, stubborn, unendurable and any number of other adjectives that leave Faith feeling somewhat irate...
There's no denying it...I'm totally adorable. This text exchange demonstrates it very clearly. I know you agree.
So, because I've revealed my adorable side here...Now it's your turn.
Comment below with what makes you adorable...Meaning:
Frustrating, annoying, vexing, insufferable, stubborn, unendurable and any number of other adjectives that leave your partner or parent feeling irate!
I'm sure you have some totally endearing habits that get you into trouble...What are they?
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.
Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209
