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Curse of Intelligence : How We Suffer?


esmeesmith1.2 K23 days ago2 min read

I am a human like you. I too have good and bad days. Only difference is god has given me this mind that keeps on ticking like a time bomb. It keeps on thinking and keep on showing me picture of what is happening to me. With time this becomes a curse.


Have you seen the time when you think too much about something and start to get irritated? Like if you get to see one ad all over again and again. And if it irritates you then you intelligent. Because those who don't give their mind this much food they tend to easily stay below strong intelligent people.

Another instance is when you see people making puns out of words, spellings, making those various funny things out of the names, words, places etc. That is another sign you have intelligence. It gives you funny tickles when you play with word, language, dialect and other things that we do with voice, words etc. That is also one more sign of intelligence.

Take another case we judge people based on how liberal we are. And we also judge people based on how conservative we are into this. We create fake problems and worry about them in our imagination. This is also a sign of intelligence. More we feed our mind like this more we think and we get into the mindset where the circle of the life kind of shows the intelligence signs.

When we get into relationship we also do a lot of imagination. And if that relationship does not work we end up being the negative in between. In short it kind of tells you how we create our own problems and we end up suffering. So that is kind of something we do when we have intelligence. This is another level of the problem we have in our life.

It's like people who are intelligent are cursed. They create problems or they attract problems. And sometimes people kind of become problem for them. So if we are destined to suffer and we understand our suffering we kind of end up causing it because of our intelligence.

More intelligence, more suffering.


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