Sun Builds Time Machine to Justify Wrong Action
I really just can't get over this:
Justin Sun Recounts Steem-Hive Hard Fork at Virtual Blockchain Week
At VWB, Sun stated that he does not think the term “‘acquisition’ is the right word to describe the partnership between the Tron Foundation and Steemit Inc.”
“At the beginning, we didn't use the word acquisition, we more talk about partnership,” said Justin, seeking to clarify the nature of the relationship:
Sun hits the ground running by claiming his relationship to Steemit Inc is one of a partnership, not of an acquisition. I suppose when you outright buy out the CEO of a company and he leaves, giving you everything he owns, this is a partnership.
Hm yeah, okay then.
“First of all, when Steemit Inc [got] into the Steem ecosystem, we find out our assets are frozen by some malicious actors,” Sun stated during VBW.
Was this before or after you came in guns-a-blazin' spreading rumors that we would be absorbed by a TRX token and all our coins would become worthless?
What about when you centralized the entire chain and all your devs quit?
Tell us more about the morale you inspire.
No? You'd rather call the witnesses malicious hackers again?
“When Hive do the hard fork, they actually frozen and take all the funds of those people who disagree with them not only us, the community in Korea, and China — they just take their funds in the Hive blockchain,” he asserted. “That’s why we collaborated with the exchanges — to get those funds recovered [...], and that's why we believe we are doing the right thing.”
And there you have it, folks!
The reason Justin Sun attacked Steem with three exchanges and centralized the chain is because Hive stole coins from unsuspecting users.

What a dipshit.
You know, it's almost more annoying that Cointelegraph is reporting on these inconsistencies with such obvious subtle bias against Justin Sun, but they don't point out the obvious fact that he is lying. They leave it up in the air for the reader to figure it out... it's pretty bullshit... but I guess that's how you cater to the largest audience.
Who does he think he's fooling?
If you're like me, you've probably thought this a million times when it comes to Justin Sun and his bullshit. The problem with this line of thinking is that he actually is fooling a lot of people, just like all false media tricks a lot of folks.

His actions over the years are designed to create polarization. People hate him, but people love him as well. We saw this in the Korean Discords first hand.
How many people on Tron came forward and said,
"Wow, this is fucked up.
I feel bad for you guys and I'm worried that he might due the same to our platform."
Literally no one. Much like XRP fanatics, people on Tron 100% support his actions no matter what. His lies and deception create people like us who hate him, but they also create zealots that join his cause and propagate his bullshit blindly and without reason. He is a dictator. He is dangerous.
How to fight him:
What is Tron offering the world right now?
A bunch of exploitative gambling "dapps".
The easiest way to undermine Tron is to create gambling dapps that rake nothing off the top. This would destroy Tron's business model, and it most certainly is a business model, because Steem and Tron are under the full control of the Tron Foundation.
This is the race to the bottom.
By providing similar services as Tron with zero friction we can do to Sun what he tried to do to us: absorb his entire fledgling community. Of course there is a lot more to it than that. Our code documentation is abysmal and the barrier to entry is high.
However, I believe in Hive, now more than ever.
Ironically, I have Justin Sun to thank for that.
