Devlog Stardate 20250119: What in the hell has gotten into you Eco?
The stars have aligned, the veil has dropped, the energy is flowing, 2025 is on a whole nother level. Can you feel it?
Sure, we are charging the spell battery, and if you could only see it from my side you would be amazed - you will all be amazed over the next coming weeks and months! But, what exactly is happening?

Day A - A Star is Born
It happened one day, about the 6th of january I think. Seven years of experience, lessons, ideas and developments came together in a bang. A crafty plan was formulated in my head. As you know I am a master of Synergy, and my brain is trained to connect threads.
And the threads connected! After spending December learning video editing, using a chainsaw and World Building, lighting struck in early 2025.

Day B - There is definitely something here
I mean, it was seriously brilliant. And HIVE was pumping - what motivation. I began looking around for low hanging fruit and found some - and made a friend by making a sassy post about a "free" tool. Could this master plan even propose a solution to the broken development model?
We were determined to find out.
We kept banging away on the keyboards, and as my mind continued to tie the threads together, I started hitting the pavement, tapping my network.
Day C -
With the rollout of phase one of the new model, and some ringers primed, we got a great response to "My Radar", and started flushing out some pretty easy ideas if I can say so myself. Of course making friends and gaining allies along the way.
I wonder what they will do when we actually release all of these things?
Day D - I think I need a nap
Indeed, on one of these days I had to talk to my friend Claude a bunch, to finish a seemingly easy task I just couldn't surmount. But we were grinding through the week, and I hadn't slept more than 4.5 hours at a time all week while my wife was away.
I made sure to shower and clean up the house by the way.
But @ecoinstante said we should take a little time off this weekend.

So I broke out the guitar and sang every song I know twice, and had a great time burning our carbon neutral firewood on the precious "Aula Viva Buena Vista" with another couple.
I couldn't help but admire the fresh ash fertilizer produced in the morning - but that's Synergy Brain for you!
But after some weekend respite, know that we will be back to the grind next week working on February's deliverables and continuing to work with a growing team to wake people up and get people excited by any means necessary.
Freedom and Friendship
