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Have you heard the story about the bee and the flower?


duskobgd1 K22 days ago3 min read


 As a child from Generation X, which was considered a generation with reduced parental supervision, but also reduced interest in our growing up, relatively late or almost never me and my friends heard that story.
 In elementary school, we had lessons in Biology, a subject that dealt with reproduction, first the plant and animal world, and then humans and those lessons were almost all we had of sex education.
Almost no one talked to our parents about sexual experiences, we were left to our own.
 The little ignoramuses, who were researching, came into possession of erotic magazines of their parents from the closets in their houses, where we could see something about sex.

 As we grew from the age of 11, 12 to 13, we slowly moved into reality. Girls our age were becoming young beauties, distant and unattainable to us boys.
 Only individuals (more advanced) were ready and able to engage in something more serious than holding hands with them...
 There was not so much external influence on our behavior, there was no internet (where you could see anything) and challenges (someone persuading us to do some stupid things).
 I read one of the threads @galenkp posted

At what age do you think sex education should begin for young people and why?

 It will be clear to me that today is not like it was 40 or 50 years ago.
 Today, everything is available now and immediately.
 Today, you can find everything about sex on the Internet, and on various networks you can meet anyone and anyone can challenge you to anything.
 The fact that such a topic was raised, it is clear that today's parents have more interests than our parents in the eighties of the twentieth century.
 Today, parents, as well as school institutions, are more willing to teach their children about sexual relations.

There is sex education in schools and parents are more willing to talk about it with their children.
 It's just a question of what moment it is, just as it's a question of the topic.
 Children should hear the story about the bee and the flower even before starting elementary school, because it is then that they become aware of the difference between boys and girls.
 At that moment when they start having their first crushes or when they start playing doctor and patient 🙂.
 They should be educated about their reproductive organs from a young age and receive an adequate upbringing, to know what they can and cannot do, to know what to do when the time comes...
 As the other day a friend told her thirteen-year-old daughter, who already has a boyfriend, that there is a time for everything and that she will not be late for anything in life related to sex...
 It is important to talk with your children, teenagers, throughout their childhood, before they turn 10, what they can and should do when they do.

 Boys should be educated to respect girls, and girls not to tease boys.
 In this way, with education and timely intervention, perhaps children can be saved from premature sexual relations.
 Talk to children on time, not like one of my friends, at the age of 13, heard the beginning of the story from the title from his father...
 His father asked him: "Do you know the story about the bee and the flower?", and my friend asked: "Dad, I know 🙂. Tell me, which condom is the best for contraception".
Too late for story, I'd say 🙂


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