Finally, My Introductory Post
Every now and then, I seem to be missing who I am and where I envision myself to be. And that's my current state of mind as I write this introductory article. I just checked out some articles on how to better know yourself to help me write this same article, but I got nothing. So here goes some free thinking. 🙂
I am Bassell Dari Iddisah, a self proclaimed sigma male, how do I know this, I think I'm socially awkward, don't care much for what others think about me, envision myself to be completely independent, and live by the notion, "Treat me as you would like to be treated". I do not like the conventional stuff and I cringe at clichés. Because of this I'm interested in different ways of doing things that usually already have a normal procedure.
I have a wide range of interests which mostly have to do with personal development and financial independence, mainly because, as I stated earlier in this post, I envision myself to be completely independent. But then again my innumerable number of interests make me feel overwhelmed most times and loose what little motivation I have at those times. Sometimes I think I need a wife (yes, I'm single 😉) to remind me of who I am and why I should keep pushing on my goals, however wide, unrealistic and non-directional they may seem.
Unlike many people who love to watch movies and tiktok videos, I enjoy my time by engaging my brain in exploring new ideas, concepts, creations, and more, I mostly do this by reading fantasy fiction novels. But that's not the only genre I read, I also read self-help, and religious books to expand my knowledge and understanding of new subjects. These books usually humble me down to the fact that I don't know barely enough about the world. They strangely help me in the fight against procrastination. But like anything that helps fight procrastination, I sometimes procrastinate on reading.
I was first introduced to programming in my high school years. Python is what I was thought and I've ever since coded with it. I am currently pursuing to be a full stack web developer with flask, a micro framework for developing websites. Sometimes I feel like I should just forget about school and focus on the skills I want to acquire. This is because all that I envision myself to be, is to be a full-fledge entrepreneur. I believe it's my path in life, as I know a wide range of people, research a wide range of unrelated topics, and have a habit of coming up with ideas, sometimes impossible and unrealistic.
I find it difficult to celebrate my little wins and hence have little motivation to do more, though there's so much I want to do. Unknown to me if its a skill, but I learnt how to touch type at an average speed of 50wpm. Personally, I don't think I have enough skills to boast of, "So why don't you learn?" you ask?, when learning a skill, I often feel like I could use that time to do something more worthwhile.
I have a wide range of interests but lack a dignified sense of purpose, a vision, if you may. As I'm typing this post, I keep asking myself if I'm actually doing the right thing. But then again, I did say I was going on a rant. Knowing what to do but not actually doing it is what I've suffered in most of my time since learning about personal development last 2 years.
"Sometimes I just feel I have way too many things going for me in life with no one push me on" - Bassell Dari Iddisah
This is me, and me is this, a 23yr old, final year computer science student. Native to northern Ghana, born in Kumasi(closer to the south) and raised in Accra(capital city of Ghana). Still figuring out what direction I would move in life. And I would love to chat and connect with all those who share these thoughts with me. Though there's still a lot to post about, I would have to say adios(don't know if that's rightly spelled) and I look forward to spending some quality time with all hivers.
