Curator Cat: January 29th is Tuxedo Cat Appreciation Day!
Greetings, Fabulous Felines and Hoomans of Hivelandia and surrounding communities!
Hope this week has been treating you well, so far! Around here, we're enjoying a few sunny days before we supposedly will get "wintry weather" this weekend.
Photo by Kat Damant on Unsplash
Tuxedo Cat Appreciation Day!
January 29th celebrates Tuxedo Cats with Tuxedo Cat Appreciation Day!
Not entirely sure how this particular cat celebratory day came about, but there's little doubt that "Tuxie" cats are very popular, because there is also National Tuxedo Cat Day on November 29th.
What is a Tuxedo cat?
Photo by Nagara Oyodo on Unsplash
They are the very striking and elegant black-and-white cats we often see.
Tuxedo cats are not actually a breed of cat; the name refers purely to their black and white markings.
Tuxedo cats can technically speaking run the range from almost completely black with just a few tiny spots of white (such as myself!)
Curator Cat, aka "Shadow"
They can also be almost completely white, with just a few darker spots, like my former housemate BeBe:
BeBe, who is no longer with us
The vast majority fall somewhere in the middle, displaying a variety of markings.
Over the years, there have been a number of fairly famous Tuxedo cats... including Felicette the space cat whom I wrote about in December 2023.
Photo by Prometheus 🔥 on Unsplash
There has even been a Tuxedo cat in the US White House: The Clinton family's cat "Socks."
Of course, Tuxedo cats are also popular with cartoonists and artists, in part for their striking but simple colors.
Consider "Sylvester" from the popular Looney Tunes cartoons... been around since the 1940s, not to mention "Felix" the cat who appeared in silent cartoons going back to the 1920s.
Anyway, if you have a Tuxedo cat in your life, why not give them a little extra playtime and treats of appreciation?
Thanks for visiting, and we hope to see you again soon!
Love Cats? Get Involved in Hive's Cat Communities!
If you're a cat lover and often/sometimes post pictures or other content that includes your feline friends, why not become an active part of Hive's growing Cat Communities?
These are some of the more active Cat Communities — why not join them ALL? Many of the allow you to share your cat posts, even if you started at a different community!
HiveCats by @curatorcat is a central "gathering place" for cat content on Hive; promoting the use of the #hivecats tag for feline content!
Cat Snaps by @manorvillemike is a place to post pictures of your cats when you don't have a whole lot to say beyond just sharing your cute photos!
Caturday by @saboin is a community where we get to celebrate posts relating to Saturday — aka "Caturday" — our own special day!
Cat Photos by @andrarchy is a "mixed use" cat content community; posts can be just photos or longer, as long as the subject is CATS!
Cats by @captainklaus (and Sissi!) is another "general" cat content community.
There are a number of other feline communities listed on Hive, but I am not sharing them for now as they have not had any activity (by their Admins OR users) since the Steem/Hive fork. Updates as they become available!
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