On Keeping a Positive Attitude — In Spite of Everything!
Without a doubt, things happen in life all the time.
Many of these things are of the kind we don't like, but we have absolutely no control over them either... leading us to feel frustrated and possibly fed up.
Meanwhile there's lots of wisdom out there that says "the best thing we can do for ourselves is keep a positive attitude." But how do you keep a positive attitude when everything around you seems to be falling apart, and a substantial number of external factors are negatively impacting your life?
Wouldn't it actually be disingenuous to keep a positive attitude when you feel quite the opposite of positive... as in, it would be inauthentic?
I'm sitting here in my little corner of the world trying to find reasons to be cheerful as the current round of government craziness unfolds, and looks to be wreaking havoc on the financial markets. Not a whole lot of stuff to be positive about, there.
Wasn't Hive near $0.50, just a few weeks ago... and now it just touched $0.25, right back where we were, during the depressing doldrums of late 2024.
Personally, I've found one of the most effective things to do in situations like these is to simply step away from whatever it is that's getting you down. Sitting around wondering why while wringing your hands (or paws!) isn't going to help!
Of course, you could argue that I'm not following my own advice by being here writing a post rather than somewhere taking a peaceful nap!
The point, though, is that simply watching the news and checking in every 30 minutes isn't going to change anything, but it will succeed in putting you in an even worse mood than before while likely also putting your body (physically) under stress.
Most of us have things we "need to get done," regardless of what's happening in the world.
And that's what I am going to go focus on, as soon as this posts. In this case, it will consist of organizing paperwork in preparation for doing taxes — yes, I'm well aware that's not a "no stress" activity — because it's something that has to be done, regardless of what's going on.
And I can actually feel positive about it, from the perspective that I got really well organized during 2024, so it will be a much shorter process than in years past.
And that's actually worthy of feeling good about, even if the subject is a bit of a drag!
And if I end up getting too annoyed with doing paperwork, there are always some hobbies I can turn to — in actual fact, writing is one of them — and they usually take my mind off other things, especially the ones that require a good bit of focus and concentration!
I bet you have hobbies and interests, too!
Feel free to leave a comment — this IS "social" media, after all! How do YOU cope, when everything seems to be bad news?
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