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Monday Thoughts... Note to Self


curamax3 K3 months agoPeakD3 min read

I'm reaching an age where I'm no longer able to give my full energy and efficiency whenever I lack rest. There was a time when I could work late (even beyond midnight) for a few weeks and still feel okay as I woke up in the morning for another round of work. It's no longer the case. Whenever I work late, I either wake up feeling tired have a slight headache, or am clumsy as the worst.

Am I getting rusty? Or I'm just tired?

It could be both. But on the good side, I'm not taking any medication or food supplements to be able to function as usual. I still have good energy whenever I get a full rest. Now that I'm feeling this way, I was reminded of the poster that I saw the other day that says we should have at least 7 hours of sleep for our body to regenerate from the say's stress and wake up in a good mood in the morning.

This worries me since I was only able to sleep around 5 hours regularly. I could only achieve 7 hours of sleep during weekends.
I feel like I needed to unwind a little bit and try to figure out a way to manage my time and be able to allocate a good amount of hours for me to rest. It's quite challenging to do that now because of the nature of my work. Especially in this economy, for someone who works for a construction company, we are often given multiple tasks that involve inspection, coordination, and then a lot of paperwork to be able to show that we are performing in our job. The inspections alone would already occupy half of the day while coordination will take the other half of my day. That would mean that my paperwork can only be done at night.

The thought that's been in my mind in the past couple of days is that I'm not getting enough remuneration for the sacrifices that I make for the company. So, I should either ask for a good raise or find another company that will remunerate the efforts that I do.

I think that I have to consider every aspect of the job and then make a conclusion about it. To weigh the pros and cons and try to come up with a decision based on objective facts and not just based on my subjective thoughts.

I hope that I can be able to come up with a conclusion by the end of March.

(note to self)



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