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Where is Transhumanism Going? To Posthumanism, Let me Explain


cotton8826.03last monthPeakD2 min read


Short one. A rant, if you will. Hold on and if you can hear it, try to understand why Satan would want this.

For some time we have been going toward "revolutions" of human morality, all staged and planned. At the current stage, LGBT transgender cults have reached a powerful point.

Humans are finally letting go of their "binariness" and ready to become full robots, to take on nanite injections to control their will and to become one with the fallen spirits of air and darkness, mainly the prince of Darkness, Satan and the Beast.

  • Womens rights, as a ruse, opened the gates to women's angst movements (you see this rebellion streak in all media that is animated)... This opened the way toward rebellion against the "tradition" of male and female
  • Trans rights, as a ruse, opened the gates to furry movements > post species. This enables children to recieve implants and other changes to correspond to their 'new progressive scientific evolutionary' identity of being cats, dogs, even operating systems!
  • Finally, after all this, they climb into a robot. Then they are made to look like ordinary people.

Five Night at Freddy's is about a set of kids that are killed first, then they inhabit machines of animals (see the furry aspect?), and finally, they are made to look like they are ordinary humans but are no longer.

They are the borg-humans that look like humans, but have no free will and have abandoned all spiritual, moral sanity. "Having the appearance of holiness".

Indeed, Neuralink promises to solve memory loss, vision and hearing problems, a Jesus Christ moment is coming where children will simply abhor being human altogether and climbing into an animatronic suit of body parts controlled remotely by corps will be desired, yeah, even a huge fad.



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