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hay is for all the pretty horsies


corvidae4.8 K3 months agoPeakD2 min read

Freedom is a funny beast. When you have it, it's sun-on-your-face fantastic. When you don't, you're bustin' ass trying to get it back.


When I was a kid I was afraid of the word freedom. I thought it meant rednecks and American flags and sending teenage boys to war. I didn't really know what freedom meant.

I wouldn't, really, for another few decades.


Eventually I learned that freedom is more than just being able to walk around naked in your apartment. It's more than speech and religion and it's even more than the right to vote.


Freedom is internal. It's what you feel when you shake off all those inhibitions and expectations and just be. Freedom is kicking shame to the curb and self doubt to the moon and beyond.


And when you find that freedom...



You grab it by the mane and hold on as tight as you can for as long as you can because it's one hell of a wild ride and you don't want to miss a thing.

And then when it's over you can go back to work, go back to waiting for the next ride to come your way.


Or you can go out looking for it.

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Give it a try. It's free.

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Professional Freedom Finder takes a break in the grass after a long day on the road.


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