Newbies task 3 the relevance of keeping our hive keys safe
Good evening amazing people of hive block chain welcome back to my blog.
Wow is newbies clock is an edition of the newbies initiative. You are welcome to our third task.
As usually our meeting was held on Sunday by our amiable host @starstrings01 and our tutor @depressedfuckup. He teaches us on how to safe guard our hive key chain from potential hackers. Each meeting most leave you with something new i never knew how important my owners key is both after the meeting i get to understand that every key is important.
My partner for the week is @eunice9200
Question 1
If my partner for the week mistakenly dropped her active key in a discord channel highlight the various steps you will indulge in to keep such account assets safe from potential theft.
Well nobody is above mistake if she mistakenly drop her active keys in the discord channel i will reach out to her immediately telling her that she mistakenly post her active key in the discord she should go and delete it immediately. in other for us to be at the saver side i will advice her to generate another hive keys and i guide her on the steps to take.
Before she can generate new hive key she needs her master in order to get that keys. This is where the private owner key comes in with this she can have access to her account and get her master keys to generate another hive keys.
Step 1: she will choose any browser of her choice type in hive blog when the site open she will login in with her username and posting key.
The image above
It will redirect her another page where she will see her profile picture that means she is at the right page.
Next she will click on change password and fill in the gaps in the column after that she is good to go she have just generated need hive key for herself.
Question 2: advice i will give to my friend on safe keeping her keys.
Our tutor @depressedfuckup throw this question to everyone on how we should safe keep our keys. Many people gave their own suggestions. @wallay said he saves his own on his Google drive our tutor told him is very dangerous he told us the best way to safe keep our keys. After the lesson i found out the best place to save my hive keys i will also advice my friend to do.
My hive keys is one thing that is very important to me i safe guard my keys the same way i safe guard my credentials.
The best way to safe keep your hive key is saving it offline you can write it out in a book and abbreviate it the way you will understand so that three party will not understand what you wrote should in case you loss the book mistakenly. You need to see how i treasure the book i wrote down my hive key i put the book at the bottom of my box. make sure that you are not saving it online because hackers can easily get access to it.
Secondly you should know who you put in your recovery account if you are sure of the person look for someone else.
Question 3: explaining the various keys to my friend for clearer understanding.
Posting keys: these key is used for posting,comments,upvote,reblog content and following people.
Master key: this is the important important key it is used in generating new keys.
Active key: this is a key that is used for monetary actions like converting of hbd, transfer of token and creating of new accounts.
Owners keys: it is used in recovering account and changing of keys.
Memo key: is used for encrypt message it is a private message the only person that can access the message is the one the message is sent to.
Our hive key chain is very important we should safe guard it.
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