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i will happily bring back our culture.


cindynancy549.8123 days ago4 min read

Good day and happy weekend, amazing people of the Hive Block Chain! Welcome back to my blog. Is this another beautiful edition in the #hiveghana community? Seriously, this is one of the best topics I have come across this week. You have really forsaken our culture since the advancement of technology.




I miss the old days when people lived with less technology. During that period, people valued culture and heritage. But with the advance of technology, every aspect of our culture is collapsing. People no longer value our culture; everyone wants to be like the whites; we, the Africans, forget our heritage and culture. I didn’t say that technology is not good, but we have let technology take over our culture.



During the time of our forefathers, we can hardly see them sick because they understood the need for and use of herbs and roots and ate more natural food than processed food. Since the enhancement of technology, everybody has forgotten our origins. We eat more processed food than our natural food, which is why there are illnesses here and there. The last time I visited the hospital, I was so surprised by what I saw. The most shocking thing is that during our forefathers, there was no hospital during their time, but they died like fowl because they took proper care of themselves with the natural things they were blessed with.


Seriously, I miss those days when herbs and roots were our source of drugs, not these chemicals we are drinking now. At times, these chemicals are killing us instead of healing us. I am not saying that our forefathers didn’t get sick. The level of sickness in this generation is high because we leave what we are known for and adopt another way of life completely.


Since the advance of technology, our young ladies and guys dressed half naked in the street during the 1980's. Decent dressing was the order of the day. I was just checking my mom's photo gallery when she was young and got to know that the 80’s were so decent. She is so beautiful with her natural beauty. No wonder my mom keeps complaining about what the young ones are wearing these days.


We in Africa are blessed with a lot of things, but we choose to forsake those things all because of technology. Nobody is really going to sit at home and prepare healthy food for their family; rather, they prefer to eat processed food that is preserved by chemicals that are dangerous to human health.


Our forefathers lived healthier and longer lives than we do now because they realised the use of the natural food we have.


Seriously, if it is in my power, I will bring back our previous way of life. There are so many reasons why I will bring them back.


In the 80's, as a young lady, we couldn’t leave your parents house and move into a man's house without the man paying your dowry back. Women were seen as God and had a very high value, but now most women have lost their value. You will find a girl of 17 years living with a man, and before you know it, she has given birth to two or three children without the man paying any dowry on her head.



Conclusion: We in Africa are blessed with herbs, roots, and natural food. I think it is the right time to go back to our way of life and start using what we are blessed with. You forget our culture and rely on modern medication; please let us go back to what we know for our culture, which is our way of life. We should remember that health is wealth.


This is my response to the #hiveghana weekly prompts.



Thank you for stopping by. I really appreciate your comments, support, and upvotes. Do have a lovely weekend.


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