Dietary Destruction fo Devils and Demons!!
CHARLES’ Consummate Counter-Combatant Culinary Cure: China’s “Coronavirus – Covid-19” Contagions. Correlates complete carbohydrate controls. Cease commercialized consumption, curtail and cut off carbs in the food forms of processed products. Postpone purchasing preserved can goods and store-bought frozen foods containing corrosive chemicals and contaminating colorized dyes. These are required drastic dietary lifestyle changes. The excessive eating of carbohydrates, refined or not, is the main-major cause of cardiac congestion and cellular complications. They turn to tender tissue terrorizing traumatizing toxins, poisons + pollution, and plague pandemics. And criminally corrupt the cells' innate integrity, compromising the immune-system stability. Once weakened, degraded, defective – dysfunctional, all manners of obscene objectionable offenders, can come in to do destructive damages. Defined as devils and demons of deaths and demises!! To deter them and defend ourselves, decide to do, DAVIS’ Divine Decreed Dietary Detox.