Irina Dread Deck - Gods Unchained Weekend Event (30)
Hello immortal Gods
I played the Irina Dread deck again in the weekend event which I already played on the weekdays.
62.2% win rate looks good in my opinion. This deck has mainly problems with the Food Chain Nature deck and some magic decks but overall, it runs well. The rewards are better than last time since I started on a higher rank. I'm happy to get some dread packs. As usual, I shared the deck and the code further below.
Irina Dread Deck
The main task is to give your opponent as many dread cards as possible with Voidwatch Brand, Uninvited Guest, Dreaconic Priestess, and Valojinn. Use synergy effects to increase this number with Soul Breather for example. Irina switches your God Power so you and your opponents draw a card and maybe he draws a dread card. The Frost Queen provides extra damages and when your opponent draws one dread card after another he gets 2 additional damages for every card he draws. Once you get this train running it's hard to avoid it.
Deck list
I have 5451 cards in total with a value of $671. This is 17 cards more and $87 less in value. The most valuable card is still Hortuk, Fallen Commander with a current price of $87. The immersive overall price drop is concerning. On the other side, you can buy some cheap cards right now.
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Thanks for reading and good luck in the games.
#NoPineapple crew
[email protected]
Images and screenshots are from me and the websites,, and There are also creation from NightCafe and Canva.