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Crafts for my Travels Ahead ~ Intentional Amulets ~ Witch Weekly (vol.2)


calendulacraft2.1 K8 months ago4 min read

Witchcraft includes the word "craft" for a reason. Many modern witches are more likely to create a magical object than cast a spell in the traditional scenes. And this is especially the case when travel and good luck spells are concerned.


For this edition of Witch Weekly I am sharing some items that have been inspiring in the creating of magical objects known as amulets. Amulets are created by a practitioner with a specific intention in mine.


I collected handfuls of pea flowers and roses from a garden I have worked on for years. I was surprised to find that the pea flowers though originally magenta dried into deep indigo. The roses kept their color almost exactly. Both are so precious that I kept them in tiny jars to be put on display, to be kept as lucky tokens, or to be used in herb sachets someday. And finally I found a use for two tiny spoons I was given a year ago!


Flower magic plays upon the agreed upon meanings of the flowers as well as the specific associations each person has with the flowers themselves. These flowers will always hold the energy of the place where they were grown as well as the feelings I had when I collected them. That day I felt a sense of peace and belonging, I felt like I was on the right path even if that path doesn't make much sense to anyone else. And isn't that exactly what any witch desires?


On my flower hunting walk I came across a neighbor who is also quite fond of flowers, gardening, and crafting just like me! She lent me a book about artistically mending clothing for a few days before I left on my inter-continental voyage.


The book was full of unique ideas for repairing clothing with beautiful patches and stitches. I didn't have time to do much mending just then so instead I took some artistic images of the pages I most admired with my own tools for mending in the background. The page above featured artistic necklaces made entirely with left over cloth and twine. At the moment I have a similar necklace in the works but rather than simply aesthetic it is also infused with well wishes and ingredients to secure safe travels.


Then I had a bit of practical magic to do. I have decided that this bag will be the one I use for travel but the strap is much too long. I have been putting this mend off for ages and as the date of my trip approaches I finally felt the motivation to get this fix done. Really the key to magical stitching is to keep an image of what you desire in mind. For example, as I cut, attached, and secured the strap I imagined myself in every step of the trip (plane, train, bus, and maybe even hitchhiking) going exceedingly well. I also added a few rune-like stitches to infuse the bag with their ancient protective vibes as well.


And speaking of ancient protective vibes embroidery has been used for centuries to not only strengthen clothing physically but also imbue certain energies to the wearer. I am not skilled at embroidery and am not sure when I will have the time to learn and practice this art. Until then I am contented with added floral borders that have sentimental value into my clothes, especially the ones I will use for travel.


These ribbons hail from Czechia (formerly the Czech Republic, before that Czechoslovakia, and even earlier Bohemia) which is also where I grand part of my ancestors came to the Americas from. The colors and patterns fill me with joy and remind me that I am just one of a long line of international travelers, folks who picked up and left their home country to explore this great planet. And, I can only imagine, I am far from the first witch and crafter of magical clothing and amulets.


))(()) A Bit About Witch Weekly (())((

Herbs, books, and positive predictions can be used to build a better life. In these weekly posts I share aspects of my journey as a pagan witch. These are the aspects of my craft that you are allowed to see, anyway.
Until next week,
☆Chloe Calendula☆.


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