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Did I Make it Rain? 馃對 Weather Spells and Practical Magick 馃暞


calendulacraft2.1 K6 months ago3 min read

After a break from my spiritual practice I have returned to the Magick community with a little update on what I have been up to, what enchantments brews in my (metaphorical) cauldron, if you will.


It all began with a simple weather spell.

During my break from spirituality and witchcraft I had been focusing on writing and creating videos here on Hive and, suddenly, got the urge to do some short form content as well. I always struggle with this sort of thing. I like the idea of expressing my creativity in diverse media but ... why? what is the point?



((I'm having trouble uploading this short via 3speak so I will just drop the TikTok video here for now))

So, I made a montage of rainy day videos I had recorded last time I visited my parent's in California with the intention of making a digital spell to call rain both here where I live in Argentina and in CA currently experiencing drought, fire, and extreme heat.

The idea here is that like attracts like. I thought about rain, I prayed for rain, and also I "felt" the rain and projected that idea in a digital spell which I shared via Instagram and TikTok to friends and family in both place.

And, it worked! It rained!! And, here, it even snowed!


The success of this simple spell really got me thinking about why I do spells and why I sometimes need to put aside my spiritual practice from time to time. The reason for my absence from witchery had a lot to do with feeling lost, feeling like my purpose was unclear. For so many of us involved in new-age-esque practices it is really easy to be influenced by what we see online, by what we see others doing.

I see other people working on "manifesting" their dreams and casting spells for the good of themselves and their community. But, I also see a whole lot of manifesting things they don't need, accumulating crystals, books, and all kinds of magical tools that seem frivolous.

Granny Weatherwax pretty much sums it up in Terry Pratchett's book "The Wintersmith":
"Mistress Earwig thinks you can be a witch by going shopping."


Taking a break from my spellwork and magical herbcraft left time and room to reflect on why I do it. The break also gave me time to miss my spiritual practice. So, I picked it up again, but only the aspects that give me purpose and joy.

Growing herbs for medicine, planting flowers for the insects, making protective amulets for myself and my family, filling the space with positive energy and working on harmony ... this is what I love to do and, more importantly, this is what I feel needs doing.


Yes, I will still being doing little, everyday spells for my own self betterment. But, rather than attracting "spiritual tools" to feed by ego, I would rather spend my energy doings spells that make a nice, more pleasant person to be around.

When working on images for this article and processing what I wanted to say, I pulled out my tarot deck for a message.


And, as always, the deck reflected the hint I was looking for. What had distanced me from witchcraft was the emphasis (I see online) of personal gain. And what brought me back was a call to use my gifts to enchant the world 馃寧


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