☽🔮 In Celebration of Being a Green Witch 🕯☾
Happy Samhain, Halloween, Beltane, whatever you celebrate on this day!
Personally, I celebrate a little bit of all of the above. I adore the traditions of decorating the home with pumpkins and ghosts that I grew up with. As for the insane amounts of candy and disposable decor that also go with Halloween I am not so fond. As a 20-something year old I learned about the Wheel of the Year and the ancient celebration of Samhain as well as the not-so-ancient additions made by the founders of Wicca.
Traditions don't have to be ancient to be valid, not to me anyway. To me the "spooky season" is all about holding space for paranormal experiences and embodying the witch in all her forms. And even though I am only partially "out of the broom closet" I do identify as a witch, a green witch to be exact!
I do spells, send blessings, grow and collect herbs with intention. I have a book of shadows where I jot down ancient charms like the Nine Herbs Charm you can see above and also write out the lyrics to modern songs that I find particularly enchanting. Mostly my craft surrounds working with plants for the betterment of the world and of my life. I have cast spells to cure my own ailments and to help a friend in need. And more than anything else I align myself with the herbs that hold so much power and medicine.
My beliefs and the deities I follow are in constant flux. Some days I feel like I have found my path and other days I feel completely lost. The only beliefs that remain constant are that we are truly blessed to get to live on this beautiful Earth and that it is our responsibility to take good care of this place.
I am so glad to have found the plant path and have read key books that pointed me in this direction. Now I see how the seeds of natural witchery were planted in my childhood and are coming into bloom as an adult. I doubt I will ever charge money for my services as a witch but, I do feel a responsibility to use the knowledge of herbs for good both in a spiritual sense as well as practical in the realm of herbalism too.
So, today I did a little ritual to show my gratitude for the place where I live; a truly magical forest and the stream that feeds it. I made a bouquet of chamomile and sent it down stream. As the water pushed it along I said a little prayer for thanks and gratitude.
I planned to write more, about my book of shadows, and about a special witchy gift I received in the mail ... but now the wind is beating against the windows and I feel a storm brewing in the dark grey clouds. I suppose this in nature's way of saying that there are certain aspects of my craft that aren't to be shared.
I wish you all a happy Halloween.
