Battle Mage Secrets! Stampede!
RULESET: Stampede
Trample will retrigger infinitely as long as the trampling unit keeps killing other units.
General Strategy for the Stampede Rulesets:
This ruleset only give an advantage to units with the tramples abilities , but using units with trample is not all what you should have in count for this ruleset, more important than it will be defending of the enemies unit with trample avoiding them to kill 2 units in a row by using defensive abilities, the simple way to avoid it is using armor so the trample attack will stop against the armor so Protect ability will be one of the best abilities to use on this ruleset, and if you are expecting armor anti-armor abilities will be helpful as well like Rust, for summoners Possibilus the Wise is the As of this ruleset but summoners the give armor can be very helpful as well.
My Battle:
Battle Link: Click here to see the full Battle.
Others Rulesets and battle Conditions:
Born Again: all monsters have the rebirth ability.
Briar Patch: all monsters have the Thorns ability.
Mana Cap: 54
Splinters Allowed: Life, Death, Earth.
About this Battle:
Since all units have thorns because of Briar Patch ruleset, Decided not to go hard on melee units, and go mostly archer damage with General Sloan to boost my archers damage, as a Tank I put Uriel The Purifier that will not take too much damage from thorn because of his Recharge ability it also a good unit for Rebirth because of his Redemption ability, I also use Resurrection for a third life of one unit better if is trigger for Uriel, my opponent when with Djinn Muriat as a Tank with Reflection Shield and in second position he use a maxed out Queen of Crows that have Return Fire and Headwinds, so with his 2 first units he had return damage to all type of damage but Djinn Muriat is not really the best tank, he also had double headwinds reducing all my archer damage by 2 so it become quite difficult to win with archers but is still possible.
My Team:
My Opponent Team:
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
Round 5
Round 6 and Final
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