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For Better For Worse???


benzino11004.3325 days ago3 min read


Hey Hive Ghana fam, it’s great to be here again

Seeing the “marriage and change” topic, brought about mixed feelings within me.

I’m not married yet though, but I’ve been fortunate enough to have friends and siblings that are married. And through them, I’ve had experiences, and learnt a lot of lessons. Both sweet and bitter.

Marriage has undergone significant transformations over time. From arranged unions to love-based partnerships. Today, we have transactional and experimental marriages.

The concept of marriage these days is gradually moving from that of love, to whatever...I don't know.

An individual moves into marriage simply because he or she is getting old, and being pressured by their families and society. So they go and make a mess for themselves and others.

Today we have couples living like strangers under the same roof.

Which begs the question…where did it all go wrong??
In ancient societies, marriage was primarily a social and economic arrangement, often used to form alliances or secure property. Arranged marriages were prevalent, with little regard for the emotional connection between partners.

And surprisingly, those marriages lasted!

But with time, the concept of romantic love began to emerge, gradually influencing marriage practices. This brought about changes that allowed individuals to choose their own partners, leading to a shift towards marriage based on mutual affection.

These marriages also lasted.

However…gradually, selfishness began setting in…people marrying for the wrong reasons.

And the results are as expected - failed marriages everywhere.

Marriage was initially made to be a life-long deal. Today people so casually get in and out of it, as though they’re changing clothes.

The rate of divorce currently is alarmingly high!.
And that’s not even bad enough.

What’s worse is the damage this is doing to the kids, and in turn, the next generation!

I personally believe that marriage isn’t for everyone.

Our Lord Jesus wasn’t married. Some apostles like Paul never got married.

Infact, apostle Paul in one of his letters suggested people stayed unmarried…lol😂

Marriage has been(and is still) a beautiful thing.

There are quite a number of beautiful and successful marriages out there…despite the chaos.

My only fear though is how marriage will be in the next 50 to 100 years from now.

Will it be even more of a disaster than it is now?

Or will it be restored back to its former glory?

No one knows but God.

However, I believe it is possible for us as individuals to fix that which was damaged, and to help guide the next generation from making a bigger mess in the future.

Marriage was initially designed to be a beautiful thing. Man was truly never made to be alone. But let’s not get carried away by the desire for companionship that we make terrible choices with adverse repercursions.

Let’s be better.

Let’s be selfless.

And most importantly,

Let’s love genuinely!!

Thanks for reading.
Before I forget. I’ll be posting another interesting story tomorrow.


Until then…Peace✌️


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