Lagos spendhbd Report:: Spendhbd marketing, searching for shops to list and people to onboard
Marketing has never been an easy job, so I don't expect it to be always easy, tho sometimes it makes one sad, today's one of those days that yield no positive results after a lot of stress and strength invested.
One of the challenges I face here in Lagos is that many people have not heard about Hive, most business owners are not always on-site, so this has been my observation and I always work with that in mind, this helps me to know how to approach the sales reps I meet and even if I met business owners am always careful the way I present the project so as not to scare them away
Spendhbd marketing report
Waking up with the zeal and happiness of taking the good news of spendhbd to some shops around me and also with the target of onboarding new users.
Today's target was pharmacies, I believe that spendhbd will be very productive in pharmacies because drugs are very expensive and sickness of all sorts is the talk of the day, so I have been longing to help the sick with spendhbd project.
People do not easily go to the hospitals unless they have severe health cases, because hospitals are very expensive; they often try pharmacies for treatment.
I reached out to @kachy2022 and she agreed to join me as we searched for pharmacies and new users.
Firstly I went to @shoegardaddy2 shoe shop to see if there were new users to onboard but unfortunately, no one was there, I spent hours there but no customer came, I Left there and met with @Kachy2022, we went to @smertchoice2 to see if we could see people onboard but still same experience, the shop was dry, we had some rest, got water for ourselves and left in search of pharmacies.
We went to the first pharmacy *Silver Brothers Pharmacy Location
This is one of the biggest pharmacies herein, Aguda Surulere Lagos. They sell different types of drugs, and they supply most hospital drugs.
Many people love visiting this pharmacy because they have qualified pharmacists and consultants, and their drugs are also affordable.
We met with the pharmacist, who directed us to the manager; after explaining who we were and why we had come around, the Manager said we had to go to their headquarters to meet with the chief manager for approval before we could go ahead in listing the pharmacy.
So by Monday, I will go in search of the headquarters and speak with the chief manager to get approval to list the pharmacy.
We took some pictures and left for another pharmacy, we got to Cedarcare Pharmacy location
Cedar Care is also a large pharmacy where people come to get drugs. They have a qualified pharmacist, and the owner is a medical doctor so, which attracts many customers because they believe in getting the best medical attention.
We also met with the pharmacist, and he advised us to come tomorrow afternoon to meet with the owner to get approval; we also took pictures and left.
We left and took a motorcycle to @tonyfoodstuffs. Unfortunately, he wasn't around. He went to a family member's burial.
on a motorcycle.
On my way home, @ozibaby reached out to me that she wanted to shop at @chiefomart; I also had to get some things for myself so I went to @chiefomart and assisted her in shopping, then I got the things I needed, paid with HBD and claimed my discount.
I came back so exhausted, that I had to rest for a while and then stepped out to buy some vegetables to prepare stir-fried spaghetti, after which I had my bath and am ready to go to bed.
After a good night's rest, I will be much stronger and ready to share the good news about the spendhbd project.
Tomorrow is another day
