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Overthinking : stop thinking too much in life...

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bbypanda4109.822 months ago3 min read

Every person keeps thinking about something or the other in his life. Due to excessive thinking, our brain is not able to function properly and due to excessive thinking, IQ level decreases. Whether you are a student or a working person, you too must be thinking something or the other.

 If you are a student then you must be thinking about studies.And if you are a working person then you must be stressed about the job, that is, something or the other keeps going on in your mind. You are thinking about one thing and from the other side comes another thing. And these things start troubling a person by hollowing him from inside.




According to science, thinking too much is making you weak and ruining your life. Thinking too much slows down the development of the brain. The creative ability of the brain decreases.
According to scientific research, thousands of thoughts come to a person's mind in a day. Most of which are of no use.

How many times will it happen to you in life that a task is very easy but due to overthinking, it makes the easy task even more difficult.

You people have to believe in yourself and not think too much. And keep doing your work. We should think positive things, people who think positive, the more positive you think, the better it will be.But most of the thoughts that come to our mind are of stress.

You must have noticed that we do not think much about all these things like love and happiness. You people should never be too proud. The more pride you have, the more it can lead to overthinking in the future.

You people think too much because you start controlling things in the world without being perfect. You people first make yourself perfect, when you make yourself perfect then all the things in the world will start becoming perfect.




❛When the mind changes, things change.❟

You people face problems when you try to do thousands of things at once. Whatever decision you take in life, do one thing and set your mind on it. It is not that we did this for some days and then did that for some days. You have to focus well on one thing in life. When you focus on different things, your overthinking will increase. Which may be a reason to think too much...

Thank you very much for reading this post...🥀


Image taken from Pixabay...


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